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Financial Objects Special Interest Group Onboarding #115

Closed agitana closed 3 years ago

agitana commented 3 years ago

Please note that only FINOS members can propose new projects. If you're interested in membership, see

The FINOS Governing Board approved the creation of a Financial Objects SIG at its April 2021 meeting, effectively uplifting the existing Financial Objects project and turning it into a SIG.

Business Problem & Proposed Solution

Provide a neutral forum for individuals across the financial services industry to collectively identify the need for new, open, financial objects standards as well as modifications to existing ones. Work to promote adoption of financial object definitions and models that support common industry workflows and use cases.

Current State

Following the success of the Legend Pilot (April-September 2020), Goldman Sachs stepped forward to re-purpose and lead the Financial Objects project (see , in order to have a common “home” for existing and new Legend modeling efforts (see and Two months in, it has become clear that:

  1. While there are overarching, common elements: modeling financial objects, using Legend & the FINOS hosted Legend Studio instance, leveraging the ISDA CDM...
  2. every workstream has specific requirements that warrant separate governance structures

Existing Materials

SIG Leadership Team

SIG Contribution and Onboarding process (v. 1.0, last updated on October 27, 2020)

Below is the list of tasks that FINOS Team and the contribution author goes through in order to complete the FINOS SIG onboarding process. Please do not edit these contents at contribution time!

Voting (SIG Lead and FINOS ED)

Identify project meta (Lead: FINOS SIG POC, Support: FINOS Marketing)

Project Communication Channel(s)

Infra setup (Lead: FINOS Infra)

Metadata update (Lead: FINOS Infra)

Update FINOS SIG Roster

Announcement (Lead: FINOS POC)

Onboarding and training

Contributors Metadata (Lead: FINOS SIG POC, Support: FINOS infra)

agitana commented 3 years ago

onboarding completed!