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Register FINOS as persistent identifier namespace on the Web #156

Open noelmcloughlin opened 2 years ago

noelmcloughlin commented 2 years ago

Please consider registering FINOS as a persistent identifier namespace on the Web.

Web applications dealing with Linked Data often need URLs that are very stable. Registering FINOS as a persistent identifier namespace allows member projects to leverage the service. For example, FINOS projects publish their vocabulary at: /finos/, and potentially in machine readable format in future.

Persistent identifiers namespaces examples: => => # vocabulary, machine generated (CI) => # vocabulary, machine generated (CI)

The use cases and business value derives from W3C Semantic web initiatives, making FINOS data more accessible on the Semantic Web. is run by W3C Persistent Identifiers Committee and scales well.

It could be persistent identifier namespace for vocabulary developed by Open RegTech, etc, etc

Procedure: Raise PR at

mindthegab commented 2 years ago

Thanks @noelmcloughlin - @jgavronsky can you chime in here?

maoo commented 1 month ago

Checking this issue again (sorry for the terrible delay); last week we consolidated our project metadata into

It could be interesting to build a fairly simple script that:

This should cover the project URLs; re. data glossaries, I like the idea, but I don't know where it could be applied; maybe FDC3 Standard schemas? We're working now on auto generating them, though I wonder if the FDC3 team would see value in it, cc @robmoffat .

Last question is, what do we want to do with these URLs? Where do we want to use them and how? Is it worth changing URLs across the board, or we just keep them there for when it's going to be needed? As @noelmcloughlin stated in the issue description, this makes a lot of sense when dealing with Linked Data, which is what we don't host yet.