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Adopt morganstanley/fdc3-dotnet as the .NET API signatures for FDC3 #297

Closed kriswest closed 1 month ago

kriswest commented 6 months ago

Business Problem

The FDC3 documentation has long included the statement that:

FDC3 is platform- and programming language-independent.

However, it currently only defines a set of language bindings for TypeScript/JavaScript, although there exist a number of proprietary bindings for the FDC3 Desktop Agent API in other languages, particularly .NET and Java. There exists an open issue in the FDC3 project to improve on this state by adopting standard bindings for other languages:

Proposed Solution

The FDC3 maintainers seek to adopt a set of bindings for FDC3 .NET, which have been proposed as a contribution to FINOS by @bingenito @ Morgan Stanley:

We desire to migrate these bindings to a FINOS-hosted repository under the same governance as the existing FDC3 repository and to appoint additional maintainers to help keep it up-to-date with changes to the FDC3 Standard. The use of a separate repository will simplify maintenance and setup of publishing tasks necessary to make the bindings available via nuget, whilst using the same governance/maintainers team will ensure that the .NET binding remain in-sync with the FDC3 Standard.

We anticipate adopting further bindings for other languages in due course, and expect to follow the same model established for the .NET bindings.

Tentative Roadmap

The process that we propose for adoption of these bindings is to:

Current State

We believe that the current state of the of the project proposed for adoption provides a complete set of FDC3 API bindings and Context object definitions for FDC3 2.0 and is currently being updated to include types added in FDC3 2.1 (the current release of FDC3).

Work has begun on adding the bindings to the FDC3 documentation site under draft PR preview. It is expected that providing a draft of the updated documentation will simplify review of the bindings by the FDC3 community prior to voting on the inclusion.

Existing Materials

Development Team


Existing FDC3 project maintainers and editor will be applied to the project when adopted, with the maintainers team expanded to include @bingenito

Confirmed contributors

Name Affiliation Work Email Address Github / GitLab username
Brian Ingenito Morgan Stanley @bingenito

Target Contributors

Developers from any firm making use of the .NET bindings for the FDC3 API

Project Communication Channel(s)

Understanding FINOS Onboarding Requirements

As a project onboarding into FINOS, you will need to familiarize yourself and your contributor team with the following materials:

3. Preparing For Onboarding

Before the FINOS team can onboard your project, there are a few housekeeping that need to be taken care of. These must be completed by the contributor, with help if required from the FINOS Infra.

Logo / Trademarks

FINOS Project Blueprint

Add documentation here

4. FINOS Onboarding

This is performed by FINOS Infra once the three previous stages are complete, with support from the contributor and the FINOS Infra team.

Maintainers, Contributors and CLAs

Validation (only if code is contributed)

Code transfer

Project Communication Channel(s)

Repository setup

5. Announcement

(Lead: Project Lead and FINOS Infra team)

bingenito commented 6 months ago

This looks good as discussed @kriswest. I'd add @psmulovics as a maintainer although that can be done outside of this transfer. I have approvals on my side. Once we can go ahead I'd rather do the readme/contribution updates after transfer. The repo can be private until that is done.

maoo commented 6 months ago

Thanks @bingenito and @kriswest for this contribution!

We will start looking into it and keep you posted, hopefully before the end of next week.

kriswest commented 6 months ago

@maoo FYI we confirmed the consensus FDC3 Standards working group that the .NET signatures in the proposed contribution should go into a separate repository but should be governed by the existing working group/project/meetings.

@bingenito has already made a lot of progress on a PR for adding the signatures to the existing FDC3 documentation site (we're updating the template to have language selection tabs on each example)

Re: logo, we'll reuse the existing FDC3 logo - although open to a derivative with .NET added to it (as pattern we can extend to other languages).

Hence, we're requesting an additional repository to move this contribution into, and not an additional project. I would differentiate this from the Backplane project, or FDC3 Sail (as examples) as those projects are concrete implementations of parts of the Standard, whereas this project defines the Standard in a particular language.

maoo commented 6 months ago

All clear, thanks @kriswest and @bingenito. We'll start working on it and update the issue with the progress.

TheJuanAndOnly99 commented 4 months ago

Code transfer is complete. Still working on potential updates to release namespace and announcement.

maoo commented 1 month ago

@kriswest @bingenito - can this issue be closed, or there's still something left? Was this contribution announced somewhere?

kriswest commented 1 month ago

I believe we're still waiting to merge the adoption PR as there's some awkward content (supported platforms page) to write. However, thats covered on an FDC3 issue and PR - the community provided consent to adopt, which was documented in Standards Working Group meeting minutes - hence upto you if thats sufficient to close the community issue.


Kris West


Director, Consulting Services

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From: Maurizio Pillitu @.> Sent: 19 April 2024 08:55 To: finos/community @.> Cc: Kristopher West @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [finos/community] Adopt morganstanley/fdc3-dotnet as the .NET API signatures for FDC3 (Issue #297)

@kriswest @bingenito - can this issue be closed, or there's still something left? Was this contribution announced somewhere?

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maoo commented 1 month ago

Thanks @kriswest ! After checking with @bingenito and @robmoffat I think we're all confident that the contribution process is complete and therefore this issue can be closed. Thanks for your contribution Brian!