The DataHelix generator allows you to quickly create data, based on a JSON profile that defines fields and the relationships between them, for the purpose of testing and validation
Seems like for many validation issue messages the field and constraint type is known, so there is no reason why the messages could not provide a link to some specific part of the documentation.
There does not seem to be a predictable URL pattern for getting to specific documentation, so maybe another piece of investigation needs to be done so that there can be some long-term stable urls for getting to the documentation of a particular field or constraint.
I expect this could help both with the users of the online playground or with the tool directly, who are not profile experts and need help fixing errors.
Feature request
Seems like for many validation issue messages the field and constraint type is known, so there is no reason why the messages could not provide a link to some specific part of the documentation.
There does not seem to be a predictable URL pattern for getting to specific documentation, so maybe another piece of investigation needs to be done so that there can be some long-term stable urls for getting to the documentation of a particular field or constraint.
I expect this could help both with the users of the online playground or with the tool directly, who are not profile experts and need help fixing errors.