finos / perspective

A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets.
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Docs: Broken link on website to Expression Columns API #2460

Closed mhkeller closed 7 months ago

mhkeller commented 7 months ago

Bug Report

The link to obj/perspective-view-exprtk on this line in results in a 404.

texodus commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the report, this is fixed.

Note all docs pages are always available from the sidebar on the left (in this case - "API" -> "ExprTK Function Reference"), and also the source repository.

mhkeller commented 7 months ago

Awesome thanks. One question on this doc page: I was playing around with bucket() and it seems that the column name needs to be in double quotes such as bucket("my_col", 10). Is this documented somewhere and I missed it?

texodus commented 7 months ago

Docs on referencing column values with double-quotes

bucket() is just a function that takes two arguments - a value to bucket, and a bucket size. Using a column value for the first argument just parameterizes this value per row.

For example, this is valid also and will be the same for every row:

bucket(3.14159, 2)

This example is identical to bucket("Sales", 10), but made more explicit:

var x:= "Sales";
bucket(x, 10)
mhkeller commented 7 months ago

Thanks! Did not look under Concepts... My mistake.