finos / perspective

A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets.
Apache License 2.0
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bug report #2616

Closed Aryansansi closed 1 month ago

Aryansansi commented 1 month ago

Bug Report

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. ...step 1 description...
  2. ...step 2 description...
  3. ...step 3 description...

Expected Result:

...description of what you expected to see...

Actual Result:

...what actually happened, including full exceptions (please include the entire stack trace, including "caused by" entries), log entries, screen shots etc. where appropriate...


...version and build of the project, OS and runtime versions, virtualised environment (if any), etc. ...

Additional Context:

...add any other context about the problem here. If applicable, add screenshots to help explain...