finos / rune-dsl

The project containing the Rune DSL grammar and default code generators
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Incompatible Types error thrown converting List of String(Enum Value) to List of FieldWithMetaString #779

Closed PayalKhanna closed 2 days ago

PayalKhanna commented 1 week ago


when generating code for following rosetta type throws incompatible type Error

type IndexBase extends Identifier: <"Identifies an index by referencing an identifier.">
    name string (0..1)  <"A description of the Index.">
    provider string (0..1) <"The organisation that creates or maintains the Index.">
    assetClass AssetClassEnum (0..1) <"The Asset Classs of the Index.">
    exchange string (0..*)  <"If the Index is listed, defines the public exchange(s) of the listing.">
        [metadata scheme]
    relatedExchange string (0..*)  <"Provides the related Exchanges, if applicable.">

choice Index: <"Defines the different types of Index.">

when converting List of Enum values to return FieldWithMetaString

Is this a regression?


Expected behaviour

it should generate code without any compilation error.

🔥 Exception or Error

incompatible types: java.util.List<java.lang.String> cannot be converted to java.util.List<com.rosetta.model.metafields.FieldWithMetaString>

🌍 Your Environment

Changes in results in Compile error