The bean 'templateEngine',... could not be registered.: This happens when you have included the Teams Spring Boot Starter but have disabled it with This is because the Teams starter brings in Thymeleaf, as does the Symphony starter, and they collide. When Teams Spring Boot Starter is enabled, it renames the Teams Thymeleaf templateEngine to avoid this happening. Don't include the Teams Spring Boot Starter unless you're going to enable it.
Added to the troubleshooting:
The bean 'templateEngine',... could not be registered.
: This happens when you have included the Teams Spring Boot Starter but have disabled it
. This is because the Teams starter brings in Thymeleaf, as does the Symphony starter, and they collide. When Teams Spring Boot Starter is enabled, it renames the Teams ThymeleaftemplateEngine
to avoid this happening. Don't include the Teams Spring Boot Starter unless you're going to enable it.