finos / traderX
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Consider Login-requirement / authentication to protect TraderX Demo Environment #131

Open DovOps opened 4 months ago

DovOps commented 4 months ago

Feature Request

Description of Problem:

Do we want the traderx demo to be 100% open? This may cause bad actors to exploit the unauthenticated tool to inject offensive content, or other things, rather than just demonstrate the functionality.

Potential Considerations:

Does this create a barrier to exploration, or would people be hesitant? Is this difficult to implement? Do we want to do this?

DovOps commented 3 months ago

Recommend: Non-default option while doing development, but when deployed as an environment, ingress controller should enforce access control. (any major social+github SSO should be accepted) and logging usage.

Concerns: This stops being 'quick and easy' with a 'paywall-style' login.

maoo commented 3 months ago

I think that Github SSO would be the best option, in terms of accessibility from FINOS members and community at large.

I share the concern around the paywall-style limitation, though we could only limit input submission (ie add account) to logged users, assuming it's easy to implement.

I suppose that this change would only affect the frontend (specifically angular) component, which is where I lack of expertise; would be great to find someone with Angular experience who could contribute this feature.

leandroyabut commented 2 months ago

I think that Github SSO would be the best option, in terms of accessibility from FINOS members and community at large.

I share the concern around the paywall-style limitation, though we could only limit input submission (ie add account) to logged users, assuming it's easy to implement.

I suppose that this change would only affect the frontend (specifically angular) component, which is where I lack of expertise; would be great to find someone with Angular experience who could contribute this feature.

I have Angular experience so I would be happy to take a look at this issue. Github SSO should be fairly easy to implement in Angular.

maoo commented 2 months ago

Thanks for volunteering @leandroyabut ! I've assigned the issue to you; happy to test and review, when the PR is avaiable.

leandroyabut commented 2 months ago

No problem, @maoo ! However, I do need some assistance with setting up our GitHub authentication flow. We need to set up OAuth2.0 using an initial GitHub account. I assume we should use this project's primary GitHub account to set it up.

Afterwards, we need to securely store the client ID and the client secret.

I'm wondering if this part needs to be its own issue. What do you think?

maoo commented 2 months ago

Hi @leandroyabut !

I created the Oauth App as follows, let me know if you want me to change the callback URL.

Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 00 11 00

Then I've set CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET as GitHub Action secrets for now, though we'd probably want to have them securely stored into the (Docker Compose) Demo environment; I'll take care of it when we're ready to go live.

In the meantime, I could send them to you via (FINOS) Slack; ping me on and I'll invite you.

Thank you!

leandroyabut commented 2 months ago

Hi everyone, as far as the flow, will we just redirect unauthenticated users to a login page (e.g. /login route)?

maoo commented 2 months ago

@leandroyabut - I'd say so. @DovOps wdyt?

leandroyabut commented 1 month ago

@maoo Can you make another application with the callback URL and homepage URL as our localhost addresses. http://localhost:18093

maoo commented 1 month ago

@maoo Can you make another application with the callback URL and homepage URL as our localhost addresses. http://localhost:18093

Here it comes! 😄

Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 11 29 23

Sending now id and secret via Slack. Let me know if something is missing. TY!

leandroyabut commented 3 weeks ago

After some testing with this, it seems that Github doesn't allow us to make a POST Request to their access_token endpoint due to CORS. The solution is to create some sort of endpoint on our back end to make this request for us that our front-end can use to both send the auth code received from Github and then receive the access token from that same endpoint as a response.

Attempted flow:

  1. Get auth code from Github - SUCCESS
  2. Send auth code along with client ID, client secret, and redirect URL as a POST request to access_token endpoint. - FAILED due to CORS.

Proposed flow:

  1. Get auth code from Github - SUCCESS
  2. Send auth code to backend endpoint - ...
  3. Backend sends POST request to Github access_token endpoint. - ...
  4. Receive response with the access_token and send back to frontend - ...

We need someone to implement this endpoint in a separate auth microservice. What do you guys think?

maoo commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @leandroyabut - we already stumbled into CORS issues, which led us to add an ingress module in . Is this something that could help you?