finscn / Ejecta

A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS
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[request] Appodeal ad network ? important #14

Open matrixreal opened 9 years ago

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn it will be wonderfull if you add appodeal ad network as they have the highest ecpm (arround 10 dollars) and they serve all major ad networks from a single SDK (unity, admob, chartboost, etc).

Here's the integration documentation:

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn any news please ?

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn any news ? because it seem that appodeal have high ecmp and its really interesting

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn still not found the solution it will be great to add appodeal since it have the best and stable ecpm thanks

finscn commented 9 years ago

Sorry , I said :
In fact, I'm not an iOS developer, I'm a web game developer . I'm good at JS/HTML/CSS , not Objective-C and iOS.

"Appodeal ad network" is too complex & difficult for me

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

Please mail me on Thanks

Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 27 juin 2015 à 08:54 PM, "finscn" a écrit :

Sorry , I said :

In fact, I'm not an iOS developer, I'm a web game developer . I'm good at JS/HTML/CSS , not Objective-C and iOS.

"Appodeal ad network" is too complex & difficult for me

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

nomibuilder commented 8 years ago

Here You Go:

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

Hi, i see that you update your fork ... any news about appodeal ? by the way .... happy new year thank you

finscn commented 8 years ago

I've tried , but I'm failed

2015-12-28 5 47 26 2015-12-28 5 46 42

the Facebook ADs in Appodeal is in conflict with Ejecta. I can't do anything about this. Maybe @phoboslab could help us ?

Can we custom Appodeal SDK and remove FB ?

By the way : Your company never contacted me about my game , why ?

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

@finscn hi, about the game i will send you an email

about the pluguin i will ask appodeal support for facebook ads but i think that there are a conflit problem since appodeal has already vungle, admob, chartboost sdk ... you will get for sure the duplicate error you need to remove them

finscn commented 8 years ago

I've remove them in build setting.

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

remove them completely ....

may help

finscn commented 8 years ago

I think you don't understand me. the "remove FB ads" means remove them from Appodeal SDK (not from project). I must build my own custom SDK.

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

i don't know ... you better than me in this case but i think ... that if you remove the admob sdk for example from appodeal sdk ... appodeal sdk will not serve admob ads (because appodeal uses admob as adapter) ... that's what i think ... not sure abou that

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

@finscn how can i help you ?

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

@finscn the reason why i'm focused on because appodeal do automediation from all networks (admob, chartboost, vungle, mopub, adcolony etc ..;) and after i use ther plugin with cordova i got my earning x2 and some weeks x3 but the problem with cordova is bad ... very bad performance (game crash, lagg etc ...)

finscn commented 8 years ago

waiting ...

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

@finscn i have write some message with appodeal dev tem they say that we have to remove the (chartboost, admob , vungle) sdk and keep the ones on their sdk because they use some adpater

finscn commented 8 years ago

I've removed them , the error is still here. it doesn't matter with charboost vungle admob. the key point is Facebook Ads.

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

@finscn Hi, any news ?

finscn commented 8 years ago

No. I can't do anything . the mail from appodeal team :

 there is no way to remove some libs from sdk with manual integration, 
 because it is monolithic assembly.
 We have plans to add this function, but with time only..

So , I have to be waiting .

finscn commented 8 years ago

and I have already added UnityAds and AdColony. Now , there are 6 ad services : iAd , AdMob , Charboost , Vungle , UnityAds and AdColony .

I think it's enough for many people .

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

@finscn phoslab has integrated the new javascript core so any news about appodeal ?

finscn commented 8 years ago

@matrixreal , my fork version doesn't use the new javascript core for performance . So , I have to wait for appodeal's update.

By the way , my fork version Integrated : Chartboost Google AdMob Vungle UnityAds AdColony

they are not enough for you ?

matrixreal commented 8 years ago

@finscn the problem is not the choice of another network ... but appodeal use a real bid mediation and has an excellent ecpm x3 than the others ... thats why ... anyway thanks

finscn commented 8 years ago

@matrixreal I'm still waiting your company's email about my game.

matrixreal commented 7 years ago

@finscn any news about the appodeal network this is going crazy ;D