finscn / Ejecta

A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS
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[Example] About Encryption Tool #25

Open finscn opened 8 years ago

finscn commented 8 years ago


A JS & Image File Encryption Tool.

This tool use for protect your js & image file in Ejecta-Project


My english is very poor , so if there are some wrong words please tell me and I am so sorry for that.


$ cd Tools
$ node Encryptor.js  input-file  output-file  HARD-TO-GUESS-KEY

Encryptor.js must be runned in Ejecta/Tools folder

  • Info:
  • input-file : the original js file that waiting for encrypting. Only Support JS & Image file .
  • output-file : the new encrypted file's name. It will overwrite the file with the same name.
  • HARD-TO-GUESS-KEY : A string without Breakline. It's used for encryption. All files in one Application must use the same key.
  • HARD-TO-GUESS-KEY could include:
  • Letter ( a-z , A-Z )
  • Number ( 0 - 9 )
  • ~ @ # $ % ^ * _ - + =
  • Double-byte characters (e.g. Chinese , Japanese)


Run the command in terminal:

Goto App/example/encryption/ Folder, then

$ node ../../../Tools/Encryptor.js  test-log.js  encrypted-test-log.js Your_123_Key

Then in Ejecta :

// init Decryptor.
var decryptor = new Ejecta.DecryptorXOR();


Yes, there is no different from before.


This tool will CHANGE the "Extension/EJBindingDecryptorXOR.h" file. Because the secret-key must be written into the "EJBindingDecryptorXOR.h".

Encryptor.js & EJBindingDecryptorXOR.m are just default encode/decode tools, you can implement your own ones.


NO Perfect Encryption Tool on the earth , So ... :p
