finscn / Ejecta

A Fast, Open Source JavaScript, Canvas & Audio Implementation for iOS
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local notification ??? #3

Closed matrixreal closed 9 years ago

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

hi @finscn is your fork supporting local notification features ? (not push notification) thanks

finscn commented 9 years ago

Yes, see EJBindingLocalNotification

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

and whats the call ? (message, game title and time) ? and really ilike your fork it is magic ...

finscn commented 9 years ago

I found EJBindingLocalNotification can't run in iOS 8.
Give some time to solve this problem.

By the way , are you working in KetchApp ? If my game is done, could you publish it ? It's a pixel-art game.

finscn commented 9 years ago

@matrixreal , updated.

var n=new Ejecta.LocalNotification();
    n.schedule(1,"title","message", 10);
    console.log("LocalNotification has scheduled, please exit App.");
matrixreal commented 9 years ago

ohh thats so amazing it work better than original however what mean these value ?

the "1" here setTimeout(function(){ n.schedule(1,"title","message", 10);

and here the "5000" console.log("LocalNotification has scheduled, please exit App."); },5000); ? thanks for reply

finscn commented 9 years ago

"1" is a id. when you want to cancel a notification , you need pass the id to cancel method.

By the way , are you working in KetchApp ? If my game is done, could you publish it ? It's a pixel-art game. or Could you tell me how can I let my game be published with KetchApp

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

ok and what about the "5000" does ? (related with ?) and for your game just skype me or send me email with screenshoots and i will do my best i will feature your game because you done good work with me thanks a lot for all

finscn commented 9 years ago

"5000" is ok. any Integer Number is OK.

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

skype me "matrix.real" for your game

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

now i got this error with your lastest fork 2015-04-22 18:43:41.967 Ejecta[1472:60b] *\ Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[UIApplication registerUserNotificationSettings:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x17e897a0'

finscn commented 9 years ago

my test is ok:

var n=new Ejecta.LocalNotification();
    n.schedule(1,"title","message", 10);
    console.log("LocalNotification has scheduled, please exit App.");

what's your code ?

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

my code is var n=new Ejecta.LocalNotification(); n.schedule(1,"title","message", 60000);

finscn commented 9 years ago

what's your iOS version ?

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

ios 7.X and it work fine before you update "AlertView" if i remove what you add and addwhat you remove it work fine

finscn commented 9 years ago

Thanks and I fixed it. please pull new version

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

ok thanks but it will work on ios 8.X ? since app review team always review our games ith ios 8 !!!

finscn commented 9 years ago

everything is ok

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn i just discover an 2 issues : 1-when the alert notification is shown and we cancel it there is no badge number 2-the alert notification are shown 6, 8 , times (probably the clear the previous notifications is not working) thanks for fixing it

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn can you take a look on it please ? thanks in advance

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn any news ? thanks

finscn commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I can't reproduce these 2 bugs , @matrixreal

Are you sure there is no issue in your code?

Could you show me your code about it ?

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn just set for example time for local notification 30 seconds lunch the game, and close it quickly .... the alert will show normally .... but there is no badge number on the icon !!!

after some minutes .... or later .... the local notification will be again shown ... 5 , 6 times

my code is exactly like this fork

finscn commented 9 years ago

fixed . Please test it . Thanks :)

matrixreal commented 9 years ago

@finscn fixed but there are just 2 warning but work fine local1 xcode 6.2 ios 7.1.2

finscn commented 9 years ago

Fixed . Please update. Thanks