finsweet / developer-starter

Developer starter template for Finsweet projects.
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Create multiples files when I build a project with pnpm build. #32

Closed initweb-fr closed 1 year ago

initweb-fr commented 1 year ago

Hi !

Is there a way with the Developer Starter Template to create multiples bundles when I 'pnpm build' ?

I was wondering if we can have a main index.js that will load in the Webflow Project Settings and an index-thisTypeOfPage.js for specific pages. With this I can have a large amount of page loading superfast with only the index.js, and a few more robust pages loading the everything with index.js + the special needs with index-thisTypeOfPage.js.

Trully love your work ! Have a great day ! 🙏

robertkibet commented 1 year ago

Hello @monolithstd, is this what you are looking for?

See this line:

You can have your entry points setup like this:

const ENTRY_POINTS = [
   // add more entry points

then when you run pnpm dev, you can get your bundled outputs like:

Built files: [  

and when you pnpm build, you'll get the respective bundled outputs as set in your entry points.

alexiglesias93 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for answering @robertkibet . @monolithstd if your question was solved, I'll proceed to close this issue.