💵 💰 :brazil: Informações sobre taxas oficiais diárias de Inflação, Selic, Poupança, Dólar, Dólar PTAX, Euro e Euro PTAX pelo site do Banco Central do Brasil
Calls to next() should be inside try-except block. <!--more--> When the iterator is exhausted, StopIteration exception is raised. When used inside a generator, this can cause unexpected behavior. If not handled, it will propagate out of the generator causing termination. PEP-479 has been accepted to fix this problem. It will …
There is 1 occurrence of this issue in the repository.
Calls to
should be insidetry-except
block. <!--more--> When the iterator is exhausted,StopIteration
exception is raised. When used inside a generator, this can cause unexpected behavior. If not handled, it will propagate out of the generator causing termination. PEP-479 has been accepted to fix this problem. It will …Occurrences
There is 1 occurrence of this issue in the repository.
See all occurrences on DeepSource → deepsource.io/gh/open-bacen/bancocentralbrasil/issue/PTC-W0063/occurrences/