fionacu / ObservedCity

A Mozilla Open Leadership Project, round 5.
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Can I get some feedback on my launch issue, please? #7

Open fionacu opened 6 years ago

fionacu commented 6 years ago

I picked a great week to launch a data privacy email (Cambridge Analytica undercover investigation)! It was going to just be a draft but I decided to go for it in a basic form that I can refine in the next issue. Update: I'm now on my third issue - you can see the Newsletter Archive here.

What do you think? General feedback/advice would be great – reply here or email ( The web version is online at [Observed City Tinyletter] (

There's also a new website with sign up link and intro/about: [Observed.City] (

And social media areas for discussion: Twitter account [@observedcity] ( and a [Facebook closed group] (


madb1lly commented 6 years ago

Hi Fiona, Good work on the newsletter. The start of the first one made me worry they would be a bit angry, but actually I've liked them. They're a good length, the second one was about as long as I could cope with. I like the way you link to lots of local events etc (although I'm not in the Birmingham area). The website is good, simple. I've not checked the social media channels although I don't really go on Facebook anymore and when I posted something privacy related it was met with silence and disinterest from my friends there! This is an uphill battle, definitely. Cheers :)

fionacu commented 6 years ago

@madb1lly Thanks for the feedback and taking the time to read - I'm trying not to be angry so that's a win.