fionkwan / Smiley-workshop

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App suggestions #1

Open fionkwan opened 2 months ago

fionkwan commented 2 months ago

Michael Spears I'm curious if anyone has a particular strategy for app suggestions or even when the need arises to suggest apps as options to increase functionality on-top of a free/native function that the merchant could use, but might want or need to expand on? I normally try to make three suggestions and include a free/paid option if possible, like the image below. I haven't thought much about this lately but I seem to notice a pattern with my responses on this subject.. normally I share 1-2 apps + my search results but would love to learn how others position these suggestions!

fionkwan commented 2 months ago

Stephanie Deveau This is what I do. I also let the merchant know that we are limited in our scope so if they have any specific questions about a particular app then they'll want to reach out to the app dev's support team to make sure they're getting the most accurate answers as quickly as possible. I also let them know they can find contact info for any app on the full app page listing if they scroll down below the reviews.

Tracy Dinga When sharing app options, I always try and aim for the following shared options: Shopify made app, if applicable. If not then multiple of the following in no order, but only ever share 3 apps and the search result Built for Shopify app High Reviews and ratings Sharing my search results so that they can explore on their own