firasdib / Regex101

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22. Tokenized List Test 20 fails seemingly incorrectly #2204

Open knorke3 opened 5 months ago

knorke3 commented 5 months ago

Quiz Bug


  1. Tokenized List

Bug Description

Test 20 Fails the regex redacted with the following message: redacted while using the same regex on the given example in the unit tests using PCRE2 succeeds: redacted

While experimenting, i noticed that removing \G from the front of the regex causes it on test 19 rather than 20 with the same message (except for slight formatting differences).

Reproduction steps

Expected Outcome

The Unit Test and the Tests in the Task should result in the same outcome (or, if it happens due to the Tasks using a different flavor, the flavor used should be specified somewhere).


Firefox 121.0 (64 Bit)


Windows 11

firasdib commented 5 months ago

I removed your solution to not spoil it for others. If you please could join IRC/Discord and discuss the matter there instead, that would be great.

knorke3 commented 5 months ago

Good point - didn't consider it as i hadn't gotten the "solved" on the task yet. Will join as soon as i have access to my discord.