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Missing donation info in #2242

Open buhtz opened 3 months ago

buhtz commented 3 months ago

Please add donation info in your file.

I am aware that there is a "donation" button in But Is is not a link. It is a drop down menu with two sub links.

My intention is to link to your projects donation options from my own README because I don't accept donations but would like to redirect to other projects.

EDIT: And by the way, both offered options (PayPal and Microsoft GitHub) are worth discussion because they have ethical issues. Despite the value of your work for my own work I don't feel well offering PayPal and GH links to my users.

firasdib commented 3 months ago

What is your product? What do you propose as an ethical alternative?

buhtz commented 3 months ago

I don't collect donations in my project. That is why I redirect my users to other projects my project depends on.

I often read about (also used by GNU) and Others I could found are and

Just out of interest: May I ask how much you get on donations and how you use it?