firasdib / regex101-translations

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Transifex #14

Closed firasdib closed 8 years ago

firasdib commented 8 years ago

I have a one year free coupon for Transifex, is this something that would be beneficial for the project to move to?

working-name commented 8 years ago

I believe it would make translation easier, and more accessible.

There's also poeditor which is free if under 1,000 strings, and can handle JSON. Unlimited languages, contributors.

OnlineCop commented 8 years ago
TWiStErRob commented 8 years ago

I think you'll always have partially translated website as long as you use crowd translation. And I don't think you want to be blocked on translators every time you change a string. Even if this repo is used (in contrast to a translation service) there will be missing translations if the site keeps evolving.

I think @OnlineCop's last question is an important one, thought it would be hard to believe that they would own the translations.

firasdib commented 8 years ago

Transifex is up and running. Please send me your email addresses and I'll invite you.

working-name commented 8 years ago

Hey guys, just a quick update:

Transifex had some trouble while importing the JSON strings and we had to move on to something else.

There's a weblate instance up and running at You can use your existing github or google account to log in. Rest assured, your private info stays that way.

This is a collaborative translation platform, and even if you don't want to create an account you can still suggest translations.

If you would like to translate to another language, just log in add it!