fire-eggs / FamilyLines

A free, open-source genealogy application to track, organize, and share your family history.
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Sorting Hint Tooltips for Family List Datagrid #24

Closed fire-eggs closed 7 years ago

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

The quotfamilylistviewquot control (see details.xaml) was switched from a FamilyDisplayListView to a Datagrid in order to support multi-column sorting.

However, it isn't quotobviousquot how to do multi-column sorting.

Add a tooltip to the Datagrid which explains how to multi-column sorting (SHIFT+Click on a column? - research MSDN docs on DataGrid to confirm).

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

I don't understand the issue. One just needs to add Hold shift and click on other columns to multi-sort, to the ToolTip property.

DataGrid x:Name=FamilyListView AllowDrop=False CanUserAddRows=False CanUserDeleteRows=False IsReadOnly=True AlternatingRowBackground=LightBlue RowBackground=White AlternationCount=2 SelectionMode=Single AutoGenerateColumns=False SelectionChanged=FamilyListView_SelectionChanged ToolTip=Hold shift and click on other columns to multi-sort DataGrid.Columns DataGridTextColumn Header={x:Static properties:Resources.Names} Width=64 Binding={Binding FirstName}/ DataGridTextColumn Header={x:Static properties:Resources.Surname} Width=64 Binding={Binding LastName}/ DataGridTextColumn Header={x:Static properties:Resources.TreeNum} Width=30 Binding={Binding Tree}/ DataGridTextColumn Header={x:Static properties:Resources.Born} Width=35 Binding={Binding YearOfBirth} / DataGridTextColumn Header={x:Static properties:Resources.Died} Width=35 Binding={Binding YearOfDeath} / DataGridTextColumn Header={x:Static properties:Resources.Age} Width=30 Binding={Binding Age}/ /DataGrid.Columns /DataGrid