fire-eggs / FamilyLines

A free, open-source genealogy application to track, organize, and share your family history.
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Family Lines V0.5 Pre-Alpha Testing #91

Open fire-eggs opened 7 years ago

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

A placeholder issue for early stage testing of the V0.5 release.

The attached quotFamilyLines_V0.5.zipquot contains an install set. I've attached a Source set as well; I'll check it into SVN as soon as Codeplex has resolved their problems with SVN support.

Please comment here to describe any issues/problems found.

I've attached my quottesting notesquot describing the changes and suggested testing. Any testing, first impression reactions, etc would be helpful!

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

Great testing! Exactly the sort of embarrassing bugs I needed caught!

A new V0.5.1 installer has been uploaded. Bugs fixed:

Clicking 'save' for Family Notes or Submitter will now prompt to save the .familyx file. Fixed my stupid mistake preventing most GED files from importing (I was testing with a GED which always succeeded...) The default install path is now programs-and-files\FamilyLines. Note no version #, and no extra indirection. Microsoft's free installer support is rather inflexible...

I think SVN is working again, I'll be updating source there. Thanks, Kevin

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

Clementine - Much appreciated!

Which version of Windows are you running?

Could you look and see if there is a FamilyLines_Import.log file in your My Documents folder? If there isn't one, that tells me something; if there is one, please add it as an attachment.

Thank you, Kevin

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

Below is what I test until now.

Importing GED. Does not work completely. I tried to import kennedy.ged, a sample from website and exported GED from Windsor but all cannot import. Exporting GED. Seem working fine. I checked the GED file exported from Windsor familyx. There is content inside the GED file. Since importing does not work, I cannot verify through importing it. Exporting places Working for existing locations. I can open the file from Google Earth and locate the location. Family notes does not work. For example, I opened Windsor and add some note, I clicked save then clicked close to close the dialog. Then I close the software without any dialog asking to save. I open Windsor again but there is no note anymore. Submitter The same as Family note. Web urls, working. Date validation working. Facts/Events Can save and load but do not how to import/export yet...

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

Also, what should we be testing for? What changed?

fire-eggs commented 7 years ago

Why the version numbers in the path? I'd rather overwrite the old one each time.