firebase / FirebaseUI-Flutter

Apache License 2.0
90 stars 79 forks source link

🐛 IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized #317

Open Clon1998 opened 3 months ago

Clon1998 commented 3 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What plugin is this bug for?

Firebase UI Auth

What platform(s) does this bug affect?


List of dependencies used.

flutter pub deps -s list
Dart SDK 3.3.1
Flutter SDK 3.19.3
mobileraker 2.6.15+397

- flutter 0.0.0
  - characters 1.3.0
  - collection 1.18.0
  - material_color_utilities 0.8.0
  - meta 1.11.0
  - vector_math 2.1.4
  - sky_engine any
- mobileraker_pro 2.6.7
  - flutter any
  - common any
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - freezed_annotation ^2.1.0
  - flutter_hooks ^0.20.1
  - hooks_riverpod ^2.3.8
  - riverpod_annotation ^2.1.2
  - logger ^1.4.0
  - web_socket_channel ^2.4.4
  - dio ^5.3.3
  - flutter_webrtc ^0.9.45
  - easy_localization ^3.0.3
  - flutter_spinkit ^5.1.0
  - progress_indicators ^1.0.0
  - flutter_slidable ^3.0.0
  - cached_network_image ^3.3.0
  - flutter_svg ^2.0.5
  - flutter_icons any
  - mobile_scanner ^4.0.1
  - shimmer ^3.0.0
  - rxdart ^0.27.3
- common 2.6.7
  - flutter any
  - web_socket_channel ^2.4.4
  - dio ^5.3.3
  - dio_smart_retry ^6.0.0
  - flutter_web_auth ^0.5.0
  - http ^1.2.1
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_analytics ^10.8.10
  - firebase_app_check ^0.2.1+18
  - firebase_crashlytics ^3.4.19
  - firebase_remote_config ^4.3.18
  - cloud_firestore ^4.15.9
  - firebase_auth ^4.17.9
  - purchases_flutter ^6.5.1
  - awesome_notifications_core ^0.9.3
  - awesome_notifications ^0.9.3
  - awesome_notifications_fcm ^0.9.3
  - live_activities ^1.9.0
  - go_router ^6.2.0
  - freezed_annotation ^2.1.0
  - flutter_hooks ^0.20.1
  - hooks_riverpod ^2.3.8
  - riverpod_annotation ^2.1.6
  - json_annotation ^4.8.1
  - worker_manager ^6.3.1
  - easy_localization ^3.0.3
  - path_provider ^2.1.0
  - hive ^2.2.3
  - hive_flutter ^1.1.0
  - flutter_cache_manager ^3.3.1
  - flutter_icons any
  - flutter_svg ^2.0.5
  - progress_indicators ^1.0.0
  - logger ^1.4.0
  - rxdart ^0.27.3
  - stringr ^1.0.0
  - collection ^1.17.0
  - uuid ^4.3.3
  - network_info_plus ^4.0.2
  - permission_handler ^11.0.0
  - url_launcher ^6.1.6
  - package_info_plus ^5.0.1
  - hashlib_codecs ^2.2.0
  - hashlib ^1.12.0
- dio 5.4.1
  - async ^2.8.2
  - http_parser ^4.0.0
  - meta ^1.5.0
  - path ^1.8.0
- firebase_core_platform_interface 5.0.0
  - collection ^1.0.0
  - flutter any
  - flutter_test any
  - meta ^1.8.0
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.3
- firebase_core 2.27.2
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - firebase_core_web ^2.13.0
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.8.0
- firebase_analytics 10.8.10
  - firebase_analytics_platform_interface ^3.9.10
  - firebase_analytics_web ^0.5.5+22
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - flutter any
- firebase_app_check 0.2.1+18
  - firebase_app_check_platform_interface ^0.1.0+20
  - firebase_app_check_web ^0.1.1
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - flutter any
- firebase_crashlytics 3.4.19
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - firebase_crashlytics_platform_interface ^3.6.26
  - flutter any
  - stack_trace ^1.10.0
- firebase_remote_config 4.3.18
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - firebase_remote_config_platform_interface ^1.4.26
  - firebase_remote_config_web ^1.4.26
  - flutter any
- cloud_firestore 4.15.9
  - cloud_firestore_platform_interface ^6.1.10
  - cloud_firestore_web ^3.10.9
  - collection ^1.0.0
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.8.0
- firebase_auth 4.17.9
  - firebase_auth_platform_interface ^7.1.9
  - firebase_auth_web ^5.10.0
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.8.0
- firebase_ui_auth 1.13.1
  - email_validator ^2.1.17
  - firebase_auth ^4.17.5
  - firebase_core ^2.25.4
  - firebase_dynamic_links ^5.4.14
  - firebase_ui_localizations ^1.10.2
  - firebase_ui_oauth ^1.5.1
  - firebase_ui_shared ^1.4.1
  - flutter any
  - flutter_localizations any
  - meta ^1.10.0
- firebase_ui_oauth_google 1.3.1
  - firebase_auth ^4.17.5
  - firebase_ui_oauth ^1.5.1
  - flutter any
  - google_sign_in ^6.2.1
- firebase_ui_oauth_apple 1.2.19
  - firebase_auth ^4.17.5
  - firebase_ui_oauth ^1.5.1
  - flutter any
- firebase_ui_oauth 1.5.1
  - desktop_webview_auth ^0.0.14
  - firebase_auth ^4.17.5
  - firebase_ui_auth ^1.13.1
  - firebase_ui_shared ^1.4.1
  - flutter_svg ^2.0.9
  - flutter any
- firebase_dynamic_links 5.4.19
  - firebase_core ^2.27.2
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - firebase_dynamic_links_platform_interface ^0.2.6+27
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.8.0
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.3
- freezed_annotation 2.4.1
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - json_annotation ^4.6.0
  - meta ^1.7.0
- flutter_hooks 0.20.5
  - flutter any
- hooks_riverpod 2.5.1
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - flutter any
  - flutter_hooks >=0.18.0 <0.21.0
  - flutter_riverpod 2.5.1
  - riverpod 2.5.1
  - state_notifier >=0.7.2 <2.0.0
- riverpod_annotation 2.3.5
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - riverpod 2.5.1
- json_annotation 4.8.1
  - meta ^1.4.0
- go_router 6.5.9
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - logging ^1.0.0
  - meta ^1.7.0
- rxdart 0.27.7
- stringr 1.0.0
  - characters ^1.2.0
- vector_math 2.1.4
- enum_to_string 2.0.1
- url_launcher 6.2.5
  - flutter any
  - url_launcher_android ^6.2.0
  - url_launcher_ios ^6.2.0
  - url_launcher_linux ^3.1.0
  - url_launcher_macos ^3.1.0
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.2.0
  - url_launcher_web ^2.2.0
  - url_launcher_windows ^3.1.0
- logger 1.4.0
- permission_handler 11.3.0
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - permission_handler_android ^12.0.3
  - permission_handler_apple ^9.4.0
  - permission_handler_html ^0.1.1
  - permission_handler_windows ^0.2.1
  - permission_handler_platform_interface ^4.2.0
- collection 1.18.0
- fftea 1.5.0
- flutter_audio_capture 1.1.6
  - flutter any
- worker_manager 6.3.2
  - async ^2.11.0
  - collection ^1.17.1
  - meta ^1.9.1
- hashlib_codecs 2.2.0
- hashlib 1.12.0
  - hashlib_codecs ^2.1.0
- pem 2.0.5
  - petitparser >=5.1.0 <7.0.0
- hive 2.2.3
  - meta ^1.3.0
  - crypto ^3.0.0
- hive_flutter 1.1.0
  - flutter any
  - hive ^2.0.4
  - path_provider ^2.0.2
  - path ^1.8.0
- flutter_secure_storage 9.0.0
  - flutter any
  - flutter_secure_storage_linux ^1.1.3
  - flutter_secure_storage_macos ^3.0.0
  - flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface ^1.0.1
  - flutter_secure_storage_web ^1.1.1
  - flutter_secure_storage_windows ^3.0.0
  - meta ^1.3.0
- share_plus 7.2.2
  - cross_file ^0.3.3+4
  - meta ^1.8.0
  - mime ^1.0.4
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - share_plus_platform_interface ^3.3.1
  - file >=6.1.4 <8.0.0
  - url_launcher_web ^2.0.16
  - url_launcher_windows ^3.0.6
  - url_launcher_linux ^3.0.5
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.1.2
  - ffi ^2.0.1
  - win32 >=4.0.0 <6.0.0
- path_provider 2.1.2
  - flutter any
  - path_provider_android ^2.1.0
  - path_provider_foundation ^2.3.0
  - path_provider_linux ^2.2.0
  - path_provider_platform_interface ^2.1.0
  - path_provider_windows ^2.2.0
- cupertino_icons 1.0.6
- flex_color_scheme 7.3.1
  - flex_seed_scheme ^1.4.0
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.8.0
- google_fonts 6.2.1
  - flutter any
  - http ^1.0.0
  - path_provider ^2.0.0
  - crypto ^3.0.0
- awesome_notifications_core 0.9.3
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.8
- awesome_notifications 0.9.3
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.8
  - intl ^0.19.0
- awesome_notifications_fcm 0.9.3
  - flutter any
  - firebase_core ^2.27.1
  - firebase_crashlytics ^3.4.19
  - awesome_notifications ^0.9.3
- live_activities 1.9.1+1
  - flutter any
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.6
  - app_group_directory ^2.0.0
  - flutter_image_compress ^2.0.4
  - path_provider ^2.1.1
  - flutter_native_image ^0.0.6+1
- flutter_form_builder 9.2.1
  - flutter any
  - intl >=0.18.0 <0.20.0
- form_builder_validators 9.1.0
  - flutter any
  - flutter_localizations any
  - intl ^0.18.1
- easy_localization 3.0.5
  - flutter any
  - shared_preferences >=2.0.0 <3.0.0
  - intl >=0.17.0-0 <=0.19.0
  - args ^2.3.1
  - path ^1.8.1
  - easy_logger ^0.0.2
  - flutter_localizations any
- purchases_flutter 6.24.0
  - flutter any
  - freezed_annotation ^2.0.1
  - json_annotation ^4.8.0
- rate_my_app 2.0.0
  - shared_preferences >=2.0.0 <3.0.0
  - flutter_rating_bar >=4.0.0 <5.0.0
  - flutter any
- auto_size_text 3.0.0
  - flutter any
- snap_scroll_physics 0.0.1+3
  - flutter any
- expandable_page_view 1.0.17
  - flutter any
- badges 3.1.2
  - flutter any
- easy_stepper 0.8.3
  - flutter any
  - lottie ^2.4.0
- flutter_colorpicker 1.0.3
  - flutter any
- percent_indicator 4.2.3
  - flutter any
- flutter_icons 2.0.0
  - flutter any
- flutter_spinkit 5.2.0
  - flutter any
- progress_indicators 1.0.0
  - flutter any
- pull_to_refresh_flutter3 2.0.2
  - flutter any
- animated_bottom_navigation_bar 1.3.3
  - flutter any
- animations 2.0.11
  - flutter any
- flip_card 0.7.0
  - flutter any
- flutter_breadcrumb 1.0.1
  - flutter any
  - pedantic ^1.11.0
- cached_network_image 3.3.1
  - cached_network_image_platform_interface ^4.0.0
  - cached_network_image_web ^1.1.1
  - flutter any
  - flutter_cache_manager ^3.3.1
  - octo_image ^2.0.0
- shimmer 3.0.0
  - flutter any
- reorderables 0.6.0
  - flutter any
- flutter_speed_dial 7.0.0
  - flutter any
- dots_indicator 2.1.2
  - flutter any
- webview_flutter 4.7.0
  - flutter any
  - webview_flutter_android ^3.15.0
  - webview_flutter_platform_interface ^2.10.0
  - webview_flutter_wkwebview ^3.12.0
- fl_chart 0.66.2
  - equatable ^2.0.5
  - flutter any
- flutter_slidable 3.1.0
  - flutter any
- code_text_field 1.1.0
  - flutter any
  - linked_scroll_controller ^0.2.0
  - highlight ^0.7.0
  - flutter_highlight ^0.7.0
- mobile_scanner 4.0.1
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - js >=0.6.3 <0.8.0
- touchable 1.0.2
  - flutter any
- flutter_markdown 0.6.21
  - flutter any
  - markdown ^7.1.1
  - meta ^1.3.0
  - path ^1.8.0
- flutter_svg 2.0.10+1
  - flutter any
  - http ^1.0.0
  - vector_graphics ^1.1.11
  - vector_graphics_codec ^1.1.11
  - vector_graphics_compiler ^1.1.11
- loader_overlay 4.0.0
  - flutter any
  - back_button_interceptor ^7.0.0
- appinio_video_player 1.3.0
  - cached_video_player ^2.0.4
  - flutter any
- file_picker 6.2.0
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle ^2.0.9
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.4
  - ffi ^2.0.1
  - path ^1.8.2
  - win32 ^5.0.2
- geekyants_flutter_gauges 1.0.3
  - flutter any
- bottom_sheet 4.0.1
  - bottom_inset_observer ^3.1.0
  - flutter any

dev dependencies:
- flutter_test 0.0.0
  - flutter any
  - test_api 0.6.1
  - matcher 0.12.16+1
  - path 1.9.0
  - fake_async 1.3.1
  - clock 1.1.1
  - stack_trace 1.11.1
  - vector_math 2.1.4
  - leak_tracker_flutter_testing 2.0.1
  - async 2.11.0
  - boolean_selector 2.1.1
  - characters 1.3.0
  - collection 1.18.0
  - leak_tracker 10.0.0
  - leak_tracker_testing 2.0.1
  - material_color_utilities 0.8.0
  - meta 1.11.0
  - source_span 1.10.0
  - stream_channel 2.1.2
  - string_scanner 1.2.0
  - term_glyph 1.2.1
  - vm_service 13.0.0
- build_runner 2.4.8
  - analyzer >=4.4.0 <7.0.0
  - args ^2.0.0
  - async ^2.5.0
  - build >=2.1.0 <2.5.0
  - build_config >=1.1.0 <1.2.0
  - build_daemon ^4.0.0
  - build_resolvers ^2.0.0
  - build_runner_core ^7.2.0
  - code_builder ^4.2.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - crypto ^3.0.0
  - dart_style ^2.0.0
  - frontend_server_client ^3.0.0
  - glob ^2.0.0
  - graphs ^2.2.0
  - http_multi_server ^3.0.0
  - io ^1.0.0
  - js >=0.6.3 <0.8.0
  - logging ^1.0.0
  - meta ^1.3.0
  - mime ^1.0.0
  - package_config ^2.0.0
  - path ^1.8.0
  - pool ^1.5.0
  - pub_semver ^2.0.0
  - pubspec_parse ^1.0.0
  - shelf ^1.0.0
  - shelf_web_socket ^1.0.0
  - stack_trace ^1.10.0
  - stream_transform ^2.0.0
  - timing ^1.0.0
  - watcher ^1.0.0
  - web_socket_channel ^2.0.0
  - yaml ^3.0.0
- hive_generator 2.0.1
  - build ^2.0.0
  - source_gen ^1.0.0
  - hive ^2.0.4
  - analyzer >=4.6.0 <7.0.0
  - source_helper ^1.1.0
- flutter_lints 3.0.1
  - lints ^3.0.0
- freezed 2.4.7
  - analyzer >=5.13.0 <7.0.0
  - build ^2.3.1
  - build_config ^1.1.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - meta ^1.9.1
  - source_gen ^1.2.3
  - freezed_annotation ^2.4.1
  - json_annotation ^4.6.0
- mockito 5.4.4
  - analyzer >=5.12.0 <7.0.0
  - build ^2.0.0
  - code_builder ^4.5.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - dart_style ^2.0.0
  - matcher ^0.12.15
  - meta ^1.3.0
  - path ^1.8.0
  - source_gen ^1.0.0
  - test_api >=0.2.1 <0.8.0
- json_serializable 6.7.1
  - analyzer >=5.12.0 <7.0.0
  - async ^2.8.0
  - build ^2.0.0
  - build_config >=0.4.4 <2.0.0
  - collection ^1.14.0
  - json_annotation >=4.8.1 <4.9.0
  - meta ^1.3.0
  - path ^1.8.0
  - pub_semver ^2.0.0
  - pubspec_parse ^1.0.0
  - source_gen ^1.3.2
  - source_helper ^1.3.0
- riverpod_generator 2.4.0
  - analyzer >=5.12.0 <7.0.0
  - build ^2.0.0
  - build_config ^1.0.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - crypto ^3.0.2
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - path ^1.8.0
  - riverpod_analyzer_utils ^0.5.1
  - riverpod_annotation ^2.3.5
  - source_gen ^1.2.0
- riverpod_lint 2.3.10
  - analyzer >=6.0.0 <7.0.0
  - analyzer_plugin ^0.11.2
  - collection ^1.16.0
  - custom_lint_builder ^0.6.0
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - path ^1.8.1
  - riverpod ^2.5.1
  - riverpod_analyzer_utils ^0.5.1
  - source_span ^1.8.0
  - yaml ^3.1.1
- custom_lint 0.6.4
  - analyzer >=5.12.0 <7.0.0
  - analyzer_plugin ^0.11.0
  - args ^2.3.1
  - async ^2.9.0
  - ci ^0.1.0
  - cli_util ^0.4.0
  - collection ^1.16.0
  - custom_lint_core 0.6.3
  - freezed_annotation ^2.2.0
  - json_annotation ^4.7.0
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - package_config ^2.0.2
  - path ^1.8.0
  - pub_semver ^2.1.1
  - pubspec_parse ^1.2.0
  - rxdart ^0.27.7
  - uuid >=3.0.6 <5.0.0
  - yaml ^3.1.1
- flutter_native_splash 2.3.10
  - args ^2.4.2
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - js ^0.6.7
  - html ^0.15.4
  - image ^4.1.3
  - meta ^1.10.0
  - path ^1.8.3
  - universal_io ^2.2.2
  - xml ^6.5.0
  - yaml ^3.1.2
  - ansicolor ^2.0.2
- flutter_launcher_icons 0.13.1
  - args ^2.3.2
  - checked_yaml ^2.0.2
  - cli_util ^0.4.0
  - image ^4.0.15
  - json_annotation ^4.8.0
  - path ^1.8.2
  - yaml ^3.1.1
- dart_code_metrics_presets 2.10.0

dependency overrides:
- intl 0.18.1
  - clock ^1.1.0
  - meta ^1.0.2
  - path ^1.8.0
- web 0.5.1
- cached_video_player 2.0.4
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - video_player_platform_interface ^5.1.2
  - video_player_web ^2.0.10
  - flutter any
  - flutter_test any

transitive dependencies:
- _fe_analyzer_shared 67.0.0
  - meta ^1.9.0
- _flutterfire_internals 1.3.27
  - collection ^1.0.0
  - firebase_core ^2.27.2
  - firebase_core_platform_interface ^5.0.0
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.8.0
- analyzer 6.4.1
  - _fe_analyzer_shared ^67.0.0
  - collection ^1.17.0
  - convert ^3.0.0
  - crypto ^3.0.0
  - glob ^2.0.0
  - meta ^1.11.0
  - package_config ^2.0.0
  - path ^1.8.0
  - pub_semver ^2.1.4
  - source_span ^1.8.0
  - watcher ^1.1.0
  - yaml ^3.0.0
- analyzer_plugin 0.11.3
  - analyzer ^6.0.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - dart_style ^2.2.1
  - pub_semver ^2.1.0
  - yaml ^3.1.0
- ansicolor 2.0.2
- app_group_directory 2.0.0
  - flutter any
- archive 3.4.10
  - crypto ^3.0.3
  - path ^1.8.0
  - pointycastle ^3.7.3
- args 2.4.2
- async 2.11.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - meta ^1.1.7
- back_button_interceptor 7.0.2
  - collection ^1.17.1
  - flutter any
- boolean_selector 2.1.1
  - source_span ^1.8.0
  - string_scanner ^1.1.0
- bottom_inset_observer 3.1.0
  - flutter any
- build 2.4.1
  - analyzer >=1.5.0 <7.0.0
  - async ^2.5.0
  - convert ^3.0.0
  - crypto ^3.0.0
  - glob ^2.0.0
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- build_config 1.1.1
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- build_daemon 4.0.1
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- build_resolvers 2.4.2
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- build_runner_core 7.3.0
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- built_collection 5.1.1
- built_value 8.9.1
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- cached_network_image_platform_interface 4.0.0
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- characters 1.3.0
- checked_yaml 2.0.3
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- ci 0.1.0
- cli_util 0.4.1
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- clock 1.1.1
- cloud_firestore_platform_interface 6.1.10
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- cloud_firestore_web 3.10.9
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- code_builder 4.10.0
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- convert 3.1.1
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- cross_file 0.3.3+8
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- crypto 3.0.3
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- csslib 1.0.0
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- custom_lint_builder 0.6.4
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- custom_lint_core 0.6.3
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- dart_style 2.3.6
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- dart_webrtc 1.2.1
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- dbus 0.7.10
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- desktop_webview_auth 0.0.15
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- dio_smart_retry 6.0.0
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- easy_logger 0.0.2
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- email_validator 2.1.17
- equatable 2.0.5
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- fake_async 1.3.1
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- ffi 2.1.2
- file 7.0.0
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- firebase_core_web 2.13.0
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- firebase_remote_config_web 1.4.26
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- firebase_ui_localizations 1.10.2
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- firebase_ui_shared 1.4.1
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- fixnum 1.1.0
- flex_seed_scheme 1.4.0
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- flutter_cache_manager 3.3.1
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- flutter_highlight 0.7.0
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- flutter_image_compress 2.2.0
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- flutter_image_compress_platform_interface 1.0.5
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- flutter_image_compress_web 0.1.4+1
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- flutter_localizations 0.0.0
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- flutter_native_image 0.0.6+1
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- flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 2.0.17
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- flutter_rating_bar 4.0.1
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- flutter_riverpod 2.5.1
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- flutter_secure_storage_linux 1.2.0
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- flutter_secure_storage_macos 3.0.1
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- flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface 1.0.2
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- flutter_secure_storage_windows 3.0.0
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- flutter_web_auth 0.5.0
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- flutter_web_plugins 0.0.0
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- flutter_webrtc 0.9.48+hotfix.1
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- frontend_server_client 3.2.0
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- glob 2.1.2
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- google_identity_services_web 0.3.0+2
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- google_sign_in 6.2.1
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- google_sign_in_android 6.1.21
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- google_sign_in_platform_interface 2.4.5
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- google_sign_in_web 0.12.3+3
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- graphs 2.3.1
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- highlight 0.7.0
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- hotreloader 4.2.0
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- html 0.15.4
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- http 1.2.1
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- http_multi_server 3.2.1
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- http_parser 4.0.2
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- image 4.1.7
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- io 1.0.4
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- js 0.6.7
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- leak_tracker 10.0.0
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- leak_tracker_flutter_testing 2.0.1
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- leak_tracker_testing 2.0.1
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- linked_scroll_controller 0.2.0
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- lints 3.0.0
- logging 1.2.0
- lottie 2.7.0
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- markdown 7.2.2
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- matcher 0.12.16+1
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- material_color_utilities 0.8.0
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- meta 1.11.0
- mime 1.0.5
- network_info_plus 4.1.0+1
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- network_info_plus_platform_interface 1.1.3
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- nm 0.5.0
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- octo_image 2.0.0
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- package_config 2.1.0
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- package_info_plus 5.0.1
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- package_info_plus_platform_interface 2.0.1
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- path 1.9.0
- path_parsing 1.0.1
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- path_provider_android 2.2.2
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- path_provider_foundation 2.3.2
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- path_provider_linux 2.2.1
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- path_provider_platform_interface 2.1.2
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- path_provider_windows 2.2.1
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- pedantic 1.11.1
- permission_handler_android 12.0.5
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- permission_handler_apple 9.4.0
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- permission_handler_platform_interface 4.2.0
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- permission_handler_windows 0.2.1
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- petitparser 6.0.2
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- platform 3.1.4
- platform_detect 2.0.11
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- plugin_platform_interface 2.1.8
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- pointycastle 3.7.4
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- pool 1.5.1
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- pub_semver 2.1.4
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- pubspec_parse 1.2.3
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- riverpod 2.5.1
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- riverpod_analyzer_utils 0.5.1
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- share_plus_platform_interface 3.3.1
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- shared_preferences 2.2.2
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- shared_preferences_android 2.2.1
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- shared_preferences_foundation 2.3.5
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- shared_preferences_linux 2.3.2
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- shared_preferences_platform_interface 2.3.2
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- shared_preferences_web 2.2.2
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- shared_preferences_windows 2.3.2
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- shelf 1.4.1
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- shelf_web_socket 1.0.4
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  - web_socket_channel ^2.0.0
- sky_engine 0.0.99
- source_gen 1.5.0
  - analyzer >=5.2.0 <7.0.0
  - async ^2.5.0
  - build ^2.1.0
  - dart_style ^2.0.0
  - glob ^2.0.0
  - path ^1.8.0
  - source_span ^1.8.0
  - yaml ^3.0.0
- source_helper 1.3.4
  - analyzer >=5.12.0 <7.0.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - source_gen ^1.0.0
- source_span 1.10.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - path ^1.8.0
  - term_glyph ^1.2.0
- sprintf 7.0.0
- sqflite 2.3.2
  - flutter any
  - sqflite_common >=2.5.0-1 <4.0.0
  - path >=1.8.0 <3.0.0
- sqflite_common 2.5.4
  - synchronized >=3.0.0 <5.0.0
  - path >=1.8.0 <3.0.0
  - meta >=1.3.0 <3.0.0
- stack_trace 1.11.1
  - path ^1.8.0
- state_notifier 1.0.0
  - meta ^1.1.8
- stream_channel 2.1.2
  - async ^2.5.0
- stream_transform 2.1.0
- string_scanner 1.2.0
  - source_span ^1.8.0
- synchronized 3.1.0+1
- term_glyph 1.2.1
- test_api 0.6.1
  - async ^2.5.0
  - boolean_selector ^2.1.0
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - meta ^1.3.0
  - source_span ^1.8.0
  - stack_trace ^1.10.0
  - stream_channel ^2.1.0
  - string_scanner ^1.1.0
  - term_glyph ^1.2.0
- timing 1.0.1
  - json_annotation ^4.3.0
- typed_data 1.3.2
  - collection ^1.15.0
- universal_io 2.2.2
  - collection ^1.17.0
  - meta ^1.9.0
  - typed_data ^1.3.0
- url_launcher_android 6.3.0
  - flutter any
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.3.1
- url_launcher_ios 6.2.5
  - flutter any
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.2.0
- url_launcher_linux 3.1.1
  - flutter any
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.2.0
- url_launcher_macos 3.1.0
  - flutter any
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.2.0
- url_launcher_platform_interface 2.3.2
  - flutter any
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.7
- url_launcher_web 2.2.3
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.2.0
  - web >=0.3.0 <0.5.0
- url_launcher_windows 3.1.1
  - flutter any
  - url_launcher_platform_interface ^2.2.0
- uuid 4.3.3
  - crypto ^3.0.0
  - sprintf ^7.0.0
  - meta ^1.10.0
  - fixnum ^1.1.0
- vector_graphics 1.1.11+1
  - flutter any
  - http ^1.0.0
  - vector_graphics_codec 1.1.11+1
- vector_graphics_codec 1.1.11+1
- vector_graphics_compiler 1.1.11+1
  - args ^2.3.0
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - path_parsing ^1.0.1
  - xml ^6.3.0
  - vector_graphics_codec 1.1.11+1
  - path ^1.8.0
- video_player_platform_interface 5.1.4
  - flutter any
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.0
- video_player_web 2.0.15
  - flutter any
  - flutter_web_plugins any
  - video_player_platform_interface >=4.2.0 <7.0.0
- vm_service 13.0.0
- watcher 1.1.0
  - async ^2.5.0
  - path ^1.8.0
- web_socket_channel 2.4.4
  - async ^2.5.0
  - crypto ^3.0.0
  - stream_channel ^2.1.0
  - web ^0.5.0
- webrtc_interface 1.1.2
- webview_flutter_android 3.16.0
  - flutter any
  - webview_flutter_platform_interface ^2.10.0
- webview_flutter_platform_interface 2.10.0
  - flutter any
  - meta ^1.7.0
  - plugin_platform_interface ^2.1.7
- webview_flutter_wkwebview 3.13.0
  - flutter any
  - path ^1.8.0
  - webview_flutter_platform_interface ^2.10.0
- win32 5.3.0
  - ffi ^2.1.2
- xdg_directories 1.0.4
  - meta ^1.3.0
  - path ^1.8.0
- xml 6.5.0
  - collection ^1.18.0
  - meta ^1.9.0
  - petitparser ^6.0.0
- yaml 3.1.2
  - collection ^1.15.0
  - source_span ^1.8.0
  - string_scanner ^1.1.0

Steps to reproduce


Expected Behavior

No crashes.

Actual Behavior

After a recent upgrade my app suddently started to throw the following error for some users reported via the Vitals tab of the playstore.

Exception java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at$H.handleMessage (
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
  at android.os.Looper.loopOnce (
  at android.os.Looper.loop (
  at (
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke
  at$ (
  at (
Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.
  at (
  at (
  at io.flutter.plugins.firebase.dynamiclinks.FlutterFirebaseDynamicLinksPlugin.getDynamicLinkInstance (
  at io.flutter.plugins.firebase.dynamiclinks.FlutterFirebaseDynamicLinksPlugin.onNewIntent (
  at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry$FlutterEngineActivityPluginBinding.onNewIntent (
  at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry.onNewIntent (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at (
  at (

Additional Information

No response

russellwheatley commented 2 months ago

@Clon1998 - It looks like you have not initialised the default Firebase app. Looking at the source code for Dynamic Links, you can only receive a Dynamic Link for the default Firebase app:

Clon1998 commented 2 months ago

@Clon1998 - It looks like you have not initialised the default Firebase app. Looking at the source code for Dynamic Links, you can only receive a Dynamic Link for the default Firebase app:

As far as I am aware, I initialized it. At least all other firebase services are working fine within my flutter app (Messaging, Remote config, ...). Unless something else is required on the android side.

russellwheatley commented 2 months ago

Hard to tell without seeing any code but the exception is pretty clear on what the bug is.

Clon1998 commented 2 months ago

Hard to tell without seeing any code but the exception is pretty clear on what the bug is.

Thats true. Feel free to dive into my code The main.dart and the section that sets up firebase.

Clon1998 commented 2 months ago

Any update on that? I am getting user reports that this happens to my app every couple of app starts...

Clon1998 commented 2 months ago

I went ahead and moved the code for initializing Firebase pretty high up in the main() method in my project. However, even with that change, I am still receiving crash reports with the same content stating that firebase is NOT initialized which clearly is not the case.

russellwheatley commented 2 months ago

@Clon1998 - Try adding the service file for android.

Clon1998 commented 2 months ago

@russellwheatley thanks for the hint. Seems like I did not update the service files on my CI server. I'll try that and report back.

Clon1998 commented 2 months ago

@russellwheatley Still seeing the same error even with the updated service file. It seems like the issue mainly occurs when trying to launch the app after a period of inacvity.

For reference, the my service file generated by flutterfire looks like:

  "project_info": {
    "project_number": "<REMOVED>",
    "project_id": "<REMOVED>",
    "storage_bucket": "<REMOVED>"
  "client": [
      "client_info": {
        "mobilesdk_app_id": "<REMOVED>",
        "android_client_info": {
          "package_name": ""
      "oauth_client": [
          "client_id": "<REMOVED>",
          "client_type": 1,
          "android_info": {
            "package_name": "",
            "certificate_hash": "<REMOVED>"
          "client_id": "<REMOVED>",
          "client_type": 3
      "api_key": [
          "current_key": "<REMOVED>"
      "services": {
        "appinvite_service": {
          "other_platform_oauth_client": [
              "client_id": "<REMOVED>",
              "client_type": 3
              "client_id": "<REMOVED>",
              "client_type": 2,
              "ios_info": {
                "bundle_id": "com.mobileraker.ios"
  "configuration_version": "1"
russellwheatley commented 2 months ago

@Clon1998 - I'd make firebase initialisation the first thing to happen in main() (after ensuring widgets initialised). I have never seen this issue before so it is odd.

Clon1998 commented 2 months ago

@Clon1998 - I'd make firebase initialisation the first thing to happen in main() (after ensuring widgets initialised). I have never seen this issue before so it is odd.

Neither have I seen that. I'll move the init part above my logger setup to see if something changes.