firebase / extensions

Source code for official Firebase extensions
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🐛 [resize images] onCustomEventPublished is never deployed to firestore cloud functions #1952

Closed CalvinJamesHeath closed 4 months ago

CalvinJamesHeath commented 4 months ago

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your configuration

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

I am unable to effectively use the extension. My uploaded photographs are resized correctly, but it doesn't help me if I can't see the event.

Cloud function which is never deployed: exports.onrezised = onCustomEventPublished( '', (event) => {'Resize Image is successful', event); // Additional operations based on the event data can be performed here return Promise.resolve(); }, );

Even if a deploy new functions I can see them in the functions tab. But I cant see this one even though deploys are always succesful.

Also, the triggers are never created in the eventarc panel. And I have all necessary permissions enabled. I already tried several times deleting and creating new extensions.

CalvinJamesHeath commented 4 months ago

The solution is to ensure that you are using the latest version of the Firebase CLI. You can check the version by running firebase --version in your terminal.

If you're not on the latest version, consider upgrading with npm install -g firebase-tools.

That also created all the triggers in eventArc.