firebase / extensions

Source code for official Firebase extensions
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🐛 [firestore-bigquery-export] Resource Error when updating from v1.46 to v1.47 through Firebase extensions console #2017

Closed amungi closed 3 months ago

amungi commented 3 months ago

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[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

When upgrading the firestore-bigquery-export@0.1.46 extension to firestore-bigquery-export@0.1.47 in the Firebase Extensions console in the browser (Firebase -> Build -> Extensions -> click Manage button next to the "Stream Firestore to BigQuery" extension entry, and then click the Update Extension button), the upgrade process fails with the following error:

Error updating. Some extension resources might not be deployed. View the error details above to help you retry the update.

Use the details below to help resolve this error, then retry updating the extension. If you continue to get this error, we recommend uninstalling the extension to remove any extension resources that might be deployed.

; RESOURCE_ERROR at /deployments/firebase-ext-firestore-bigquery-export/resources/fsimportexistingdocs: {"ResourceType":"gcp-types/cloudfunctions-v1:projects.locations.functions","ResourceErrorCode":"400","ResourceErrorMessage":"Function failed on loading user code. This is likely due to a bug in the user code. Error message: Function 'fsimportexistingdocs' is not defined in the provided module.\nDid you specify the correct target function to execute?\nCould not load the function, shutting down.. Please visit for in-depth troubleshooting documentation."}

Steps to reproduce:

What happened? How can we make the problem occur? This could be a description, log/console output, etc.

  1. Open the Firebase Extensions console in the browser (Firebase -> Select Your Project -> Build -> Extensions).
  2. firestore-bigquery-export Extension version: v0.1.46 should be installed and configured.
  3. Click Manage button next to the "Stream Firestore to BigQuery" extension entry
  4. On the Extension details page, click the Update Extension button to initiate the process to upgrade the extension to v0.1.47.
  5. On the next screen, review / update the required parameter details, and click the Update Extension button.
  6. The extension starts getting updated and shows the message that it will take 3-5 minutes to update.

The extension update fails with the RESOURCE_ERROR message given above, and in the attached screenshot.

Expected result

firestore-bigquery-export Extension version: v0.1.46 should get updated to firestore-bigquery-export Extension version: v0.1.47 without any errors.

Actual result

The extension update fails with the RESOURCE_ERROR message given above, and in the attached screenshot.

FirebaseExt_Screenshot 2024-03-26 224648