firebase / extensions

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[firebase/storage-resize-images] Wildcard in input path doesn't match/support a storage directory path #2047

Open stib opened 2 months ago

stib commented 2 months ago

[READ] Step 1: Are you in the right place?


[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your configuration

If you enable events, you can write custom event handlers that respond to these events. Events will be emitted via Eventarc. Fees apply. How do events in this extension work?

Channel location us-central1 Type of events Occurs when image resizing completes successfully. The event will contain further details about specific formats and sizes. Occurs when an issue has been experienced in the Extension. This will include any error data that has been included within the Error Exception.

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

  1. I have the extension configured to monitor the path /users/*/Profile/Pictures
  2. I upload a test image at /users/+14085551212/Profile/Pictures
  3. Images are not resized and I get this error in the logs "/users/+14085551212/Profile/Pictures' is not supported, these are the supported absolute paths: /users/*/Profile/Pictures"

I would think the * will account for the different phone numbers in the paths +14085551212 but not sure why it says this is not supported.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Configure the extension as in step 1 above
  2. Add a directory path /users/+14085551212/Profile/Pictures
  3. Upload a png image to path in step 2 through Firebase console
Expected result

It should process the image and crate resized images

Actual result

Get the error described above