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[firestore-translate-text] Source text is translated from Latin and not English #2099

Open amin79 opened 1 month ago

amin79 commented 1 month ago

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

Some texts are translated automatically from Latin which are not in my language's list.

For example I have this text which is the name of some cities and location: ASPENDOS & PERGE & SIDE. This text would be translated from Latin to English as "GET UP & GO ON & SIT"!! If the source language be any other language expect Latin, the translation would be ok. But it would be translated automatically from Latin. How can I prevent it?

Steps to reproduce:

What happened? How can we make the problem occur? This could be a description, log/console output, etc.

Expected result
Actual result
pr-Mais commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting your issue, @amin79. I would need more information to understand the problem, could you please provide your full configuration? alongside an example of a document with input & output texts.

From what I can understand, are you referring to text romanization?

amin79 commented 3 weeks ago

@pr-Mais Hello. There is nothing special in the configurations. Everything works as expected. But, just in this example, I have a text which includes the name of some cities (In English): "ASPENDOS & PERGE & SIDE" When I save it, since these are some meaningful words in Latin, it would be translated to "GET UP & GO ON & SIT"!

Since I don't have Latin in my target languages list, I don't expect it to be transited to Latin. I like it to remain as it is because these are some NAMES.