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[firestore-send-email] Email templates stopped working yesterday. #2101

Open neilhosey opened 1 month ago

neilhosey commented 1 month ago

[READ] Step 1: Are you in the right place?

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your configuration

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

Yesterday, template emails just stopped working, we have ruled out something in our template, we have also ruled out something with the version as we updated to latest version. We have tried both sendgrid and mailgun as SMTP servers, but both just timeout. It seems the template rendering is not working, heres the format of what our template looks like: image

when we leave out a collection name for templates, it sends a blank email, but as mentioned, when we add in our template collection, it just times out on sending.

Steps to reproduce:

Use a template with latest version of firebase mailing extension.

Expected result

Email arrives with subject and body as per the email template.

Actual result

No email is sent, logs for the extension say it times out after 60 seconds when sending, the email status in the emails collection is still processing.

pr-Mais commented 1 month ago

@neilhosey I'm investigating the issue, however one thing I noticed about your configuration is that the Templates collection param is missing, can you try setting it to the collection where your templates live, and try again?

pr-Mais commented 1 month ago

I have just tried sending an email with an HTML template (using SendGrid), and it arrived with no issues, my guess here is that you're missing the templates collection name from your configuration.