Open lahirumaramba opened 2 years ago
@lahirumaramba I have followed documented steps to setup recaptcha and use AppCheck with flutter. I've enabled enforcements for cloud Firestore but after enabling enforcements I'm getting the following error.
[cloud_firestore/permission-denied] Missing or insufficient permissions.
Hi @Faizan770gp are you using the Firebase Admin SDK or Firebase Client SDKs? If you are using Firebase client SDKs and getting the above error, it might be due to how your security rules are set. You can check your existing rules at Go to Database -> Rules :
on the Firebase console. In the future please use this repo for Firebase Admin SDK SDK related questions. Thanks!
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if true;
My database rules are set to true in all conditions. So the rules are not the problem here.
Hi @Faizan770gp -- thank you for bringing your issue to our attention. The issue you experienced with Flutter and Firestore may be related to a similar issue we recently fixed. Could you please try updating to the latest Flutter App Check version and see if that fixes your issue?
and up (which is a transitive dependency of@firebase/database-compat
).Can reproduce on
and up.Internal issue: b/236414557