firebase / firebase-admin-node

Firebase Admin Node.js SDK
Apache License 2.0
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[Firestore, Node-red] #2620

Open Fadi0950 opened 5 months ago

Fadi0950 commented 5 months ago

Here's the workflow:

I created a project in google cloud platform. I went to Firebase, created a Firebase project, and then set up Cloud Fire store. I navigated to the google cloud platform service account and selected fire base- admin since it was the only available option. I created a file key for this service account. In Node-RED, I used the Fires tore out node and entered the credentials in the admin config. However, I'm encountering an "Error 5: Not Found" message, and I don't understand why it's not working. the Firebase project is base on the project id of google cloud platform i had created earlier

i want to connect my node-red firestore , and add some data to my collection and i had created my database on production mode.

lahirumaramba commented 3 months ago

We are unable to investigate issues without more information. If you can share any error logs or simple repro that would really help. Thanks!