firebase / firebase-admin-python

Firebase Admin Python SDK
Apache License 2.0
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[FR] Change the firestore db in firestore.client. #789

Open paluchs opened 1 month ago

paluchs commented 1 month ago

In short: There is currently no way to change the firestore database to write to from default. See question on stackoverflow:

As far as I understand there is currently no option to pass the databaseId to firestore.client or to the options when initializing the app (initialize_app(cred)). You can pass the databaseURL to the options in initialze_app, however the Url cannot be looked up in the firebase console anymore.

In my opinion, it would make sense to passt database as an argument to firestore.client() much like you would when initializing the Client class in directly.

db = firestore.client(app, database="my-db")

Alternatively the databaseId could be passed as an option when initializing the app.

app = initialize_app(cred, options={"databaseId": "my-db")

I'd be willing to implement this feature.

google-oss-bot commented 1 month ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.