firebase / firebase-admin-python

Firebase Admin Python SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Datastore emulator causes firebase admin to hang #790

Open pb-jeff-oneill opened 3 weeks ago

pb-jeff-oneill commented 3 weeks ago

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe your environment

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

Steps to reproduce:

This problem started around June 1. Before, I have been doing this for several years without any issues.

The problem is that auth.get_user_by_email() freezes and it is caused by some interaction with running the cloud datastore emulator locally. This happens with either the older emulator (gcloud beta emulators datastore start) or the newer one (gcloud emulators firestore start). I have tried downgrading gcloud and two versions of firebase-admin listed above.

Run the script below. At auth.get_user_by_email(), the script hangs indefinitely with no output. You can't even ctrl-c to stop the script. You need to kill -9 in a separate terminal window.

If you comment out the three lines starting with with datastore_client.context():, then auth.get_user_by_email() works.

Since the code just freezes, I am at a loss as to how to debug.

Relevant Code:

import os
from import ndb
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import auth, initialize_app


class User(ndb.Model):
    email = ndb.StringProperty(required=True)

os.environ['DATASTORE_DATASET'] = 'my-project'
os.environ['DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST'] = 'localhost:8081'
os.environ['DATASTORE_EMULATOR_HOST_PATH'] = 'localhost:8081/datastore'
os.environ['DATASTORE_HOST'] = 'http://localhost:8081'
os.environ['DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID']= 'my-project'

datastore_client = ndb.Client('my-project')

if not firebase_admin._apps:

email = ''

with datastore_client.context():
    user = User.get_by_id(email)

# This hangs and you can't even ctrl-c to stop.
# Works if datastore client stuff is commented out.
fb_user = auth.get_user_by_email(email)
google-oss-bot commented 3 weeks ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

pb-jeff-oneill commented 3 weeks ago

It seems to be IPv4/IPv6 related because changing from localhost to fixes it.

What ever the cause, it seems that it shouldn't cause auth.get_user_by_email() to hang.