firebase / firebase-admin-python

Firebase Admin Python SDK
Apache License 2.0
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verify_token() got an unexpected keyword argument 'clock_skew_in_seconds' #795

Closed minhyung-joo closed 3 days ago

minhyung-joo commented 3 days ago

I'm using firebase_auth: ^5.1.0 and await FirebaseAuth.instance.signInWithProvider(appleProvider); to authenticate the user on frontend and sending the id token to the server to verify it. On the server side, when running auth.verify_id_token(token) I'm suddenly getting this error message: verify_token() got an unexpected keyword argument 'clock_skew_in_seconds'

I haven't changed any auth-related code in both frontend and backend, so I have no idea how to even proceed in fixing this issue. It just started showing this error since yesterday. Let me know if I need to provide more information.