We want to be able to specify the NetworkCapabilities of the network that will be used by Firebase Android Sdk (in our case Storage, but other will come) in order to access to OEM managed network
Today, there is no way to use Firebase Storage in Automotive for OEM, means the network that is tagged with capabilities OEM_PAID/OEM_PRIVATE) that is different from default INTERNET.
A concrete is exemple is for using OEM_PAID / OEM_PRIVATE network capabilities with in AAOS (thanks to the RESTRICTED_NETWORK permission)
Today, there is almost no proper and clean way to use Firebase Storage in OEM apps and use the network data that are paid by the OEM.
But we could also think about other use cases like just using Firebase Storage on Wifi....or with UNMETERED network.
What feature would you like to see?
We want to be able to specify the NetworkCapabilities of the network that will be used by Firebase Android Sdk (in our case Storage, but other will come) in order to access to OEM managed network
Today, there is no way to use Firebase Storage in Automotive for OEM, means the network that is tagged with capabilities OEM_PAID/OEM_PRIVATE) that is different from default INTERNET.
Android 12 Branch [NetworkCapabilities.java] (https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/android-12.1.0_r27:/packages/modules/Connectivity/core/java/android/net/NetworkCapabilities.java)
Android Master Branch [NetworkCapabilities.java] https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:/packages/modules/Connectivity/framework-t/src/android/net/NetworkIdentity.java;bpv=1;bpt=1
About the API, I do not know the best way, but the topic is to access to the object NetworkRequest
How would you use it?
A concrete is exemple is for using OEM_PAID / OEM_PRIVATE network capabilities with in AAOS (thanks to the RESTRICTED_NETWORK permission) Today, there is almost no proper and clean way to use Firebase Storage in OEM apps and use the network data that are paid by the OEM.
But we could also think about other use cases like just using Firebase Storage on Wifi....or with UNMETERED network.
PS: buganizer has been fulfilled for this purpose : https://partnerissuetracker.corp.google.com/issues/289915187