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Firebase Android SDK
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Firebase Performance SDK issue AGP 8.0.2 with Jcoco Coverage #5456

Open atk1993 opened 8 months ago

atk1993 commented 8 months ago

My environment

[REQUIRED] Step 3: Describe the problem

Steps to reproduce:

I have integrated firebase performance SDK. Logs can be seen in portal too. Code Coverage was fine before integrating this SDK.

However, after integrating, jaCoCo code coverage is not working, very low code coverage is getting reported.

I tried running local test coverage but it shows 0 classes covered. I have disabled the performance SDK for compile time for all type s of build. (

According to this will be fixed in AGP 8.0.

But I am still facing this even using AGP 8.0.2

google-oss-bot commented 8 months ago

I found a few problems with this issue:

eggman87 commented 6 months ago

I too am seeing this. It seems very similar to If I comment out the performance plugin from a target module, coverage reports generate fine with accurate coverage numbers. If I apply the performance plugin, coverage numbers show as zero.

NicolasEymael commented 5 months ago

we have the same issue

epool commented 2 months ago

hey @raymondlam! 👋🏼 sorry for tagging you directly but I saw your comment and it seems like the issue is back, I'm using AGP v8.3.1 and Jacoco is reporting 0% after Firebase Performance Monitoring plugin integration. Do you know how to workaround this? It's being a blocker for us to integrate FPM in our project.

akshaykalpeGloballogic commented 2 months ago

@epool Try as below

in Jacoco.gradle file

final def debugTree = [fileTree(
        dir: "${getLayout().getBuildDirectory()}/intermediates/asm_instrumented_project_classes/${testTaskName}",
def intermediateClassesPath = "${getLayout().getBuildDirectory()}/intermediates/javac/${srcName}/classes"
def kotlinClassesPath = "${getLayout().getBuildDirectory()}/intermediates/asm_instrumented_project_classes/${srcName}"
dalapenko commented 2 weeks ago

still actual with AGP 8.2.2 and tried with 8.5.0 - reproducing too.

as workaround may helped:

List<ConfigurableFileTree> classesFileList
if (android.hasProperty('applicationVariants')) {
    classesFileList = [fileTree(dir: "${layout.buildDirectory.asFile.get().path}/intermediates/classes/${variantName}/transform${variantName.capitalize()}ClassesWithAsm/dirs", excludes: excludes)]
} else {
    def javaClasses = fileTree(dir: variant.javaCompileProvider.get().destinationDir, excludes: excludes)
    def kotlinClasses = fileTree(dir: "${layout.buildDirectory.asFile.get().path}/tmp/kotlin-classes/${variantName}", excludes: excludes)

    classesFileList = [javaClasses, kotlinClasses]


when use firebase performance plugin class files from build/tmp/kotlin-classes can't recognition by Jacoco reported, probably it's modified. In logs message like Execution data for class does not match. With class files from build/intermediates/classes for me works ok.