firebase / firebase-android-sdk

Firebase Android SDK
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FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: java.lang.RuntimeException: Internal error in Cloud Firestore (25.0.0). #5973

Open armanhovsepyan98 opened 1 month ago

armanhovsepyan98 commented 1 month ago

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Firestore is not working on several devices, and the app crashes with an error.

Relevant Code:

Screenshot 2024-05-15 161147
google-oss-bot commented 1 month ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

dconeybe commented 1 month ago

Drive-by comment: This SQLiteDatabaseLockedException has been reported many times but we have never been able to reproduce or find the root cause:

wu-hui commented 1 month ago

The log is from Android Studio I believe? Can you reproduce this somewhat consistently? If so, can you tell us your setup and environment, devices used and their versions? A minimum reproduction App would be greatly appreciated.

armanhovsepyan98 commented 1 month ago

The log is from Android Studio I believe? Can you reproduce this somewhat consistently? If so, can you tell us your setup and environment, devices used and their versions? A minimum reproduction App would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, it's from Android Studio logs. It constantly happens with Samsung phones (I tried on Android 10 and 12). I also tried on Pixel with different versions but did not have the problem. The app's minimum and target SDK versions are 27 and 34, respectively. BuildVariant - debug Firebase//
// Import the Firebase BoM (see: implementation(platform(""))

// Firestore

// Firebase Authentication

wu-hui commented 1 month ago

This is great information. Can you provide a specific Samsung device info. I'll try to get a device to test this.

armanhovsepyan98 commented 1 month ago

This is great information. Can you provide a specific Samsung device info. I'll try to get a device to test this.

I am using a Samsung A41 and an A52.

armanhovsepyan98 commented 1 month ago

@wu-hui But as I understand, it's not only dependent on the device because when I create an empty project and connect to Firestore, it works. However, in some projects, it's throwing an exception only on Samsung phones in my case.