firebase / firebase-android-sdk

Firebase Android SDK
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first_open events not being sent after initialization #6049

Closed Anooxi closed 1 week ago

Anooxi commented 1 week ago

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Hello everyone, we are using react-native-firebase/analytics for our react-native application. We updated recently to account for the changes of consent, however we found that our Android application no longer sends first_open events, it is the only event that has an anomaly in both of our apps.

After asking the question initially in here, I got redirected to this repo

Steps to reproduce:

Set Analytics to disabled before consent is accepter -> enable analytics when consent is accepted -> no first_open event is sent -> other events are fine

Relevant Code:

You can find the analytics android library code here:

and there is also more information on my original issue

google-oss-bot commented 1 week ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

lehcar09 commented 1 week ago

Hi @Anooxi, thank you for reaching out. The behavior you're experiencing is working as intended. The consent is not applied retroactively. The first_open event is collected before the user grants the consent. The events (i.e. first_open/ session_start) collected before the consent is granted would not have some fields like DSID and app instance ID that subsequent events would have, due to consent being denied.

That being said, I'll be closing this issue now. Let me know if there's any misunderstanding and we need to re-open the for further investigation. Thanks!