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Update CloudEvent generation to replace `data` instead of deep merge #144

Closed TheIronDev closed 2 years ago

TheIronDev commented 2 years ago

Description is defined as an arbitrary payload. For some CloudEvents it may be a string, for others it may be an object.

Theres a few special cases that need to be handled with data:

Code sample

const data = {
  message: {
    json: { firebase: 'test' },
    data: 'eyJmaXJlYmFzZSI6InRlc3QifQ==',
  subscription: 'subscription',
const cloudFn = pubsub.onMessagePublished('topic', handler);
const cloudFnWrap = wrapV2(cloudFn);
const cloudEventPartial = { data };

  data: 'eyJoZWxsbyI6IndvcmxkIn0=', // Note: would be a mismatch from the json
TheIronDev commented 2 years ago

Let's keep the behavior as is except for when we know the schema is a map. In cases where something is logically a map of string to string we can say that overriding anything in that map overrides the whole map. So for example, setting content type on a storage object still leaves content size present, but overriding a pubsub message's json attribute overrides the whole json.

Would that be something as simple as:

const combined = merge(generated, partial);

if (combined?.data?.message?.json && partial?.data?.message?.json) { =;

Or is there something bigger I am overlooking?

inlined commented 2 years ago
  * Create a new T given an initial set of values and a value to be merged in deeply.
  * any field mask in opaqueKeys mean that any value in delta would overwrite base
  * starting at that field.
  * @example
  * const original = {
  *   nested: { key1: "val1", key2: "val2"},
  *   data: { json: { key: "value" } }
  * };
  * const delta = {
  *   nested: { key1: "otherval1" },
  *   data: { json: { ohterKey: "otherValue" } },
  * };
  * const result = deepMerge(original, delta, "data.json");
  * // result is {
  * //   nested: { key1: "otherval1", key2: "val2" },
  * //   data: { json: { otherKey: "otherValue" }},
  * // }
deepMerge<T>(base: T, delta: RecursivePartial<T>, opaqueKeys... RecursiveKeysOf<T>[]): T;

At least that's how I'd do it if I wanted to solve it generically. Otherwise you can do piecemeal overrides everywhere. This would solve json + data for Pub/Sub:

const combined = merge(generated, partial);

if ( { =!.message!.json;
  if (! { = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(!.message!.data)).toString("base64");
} else if ( {
  Object.addProperty(, "json", {
    get: () => JSON.parse(Buffer.from(!.message!.data, "base64").toString())
TheIronDev commented 2 years ago

Closing this PR in favor of