firebase / firebase-functions

Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions
MIT License
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Firebase deploy not working due to experimental skipdeployingnoopfunctions #1499

Closed ksinghal closed 5 months ago

ksinghal commented 6 months ago

Related issues

I found this on StackOverflow:

[REQUIRED] Version info




"firebase-functions": "^4.4.1"




"firebase-admin": "^11.10.1"

[REQUIRED] Test case

There is someone else with the same problem:

[REQUIRED] Steps to reproduce

  1. deploy functions to firebase functions
  2. make no changes to function source
  3. deploy again, you get the message "Skipping the deploy of unchanged functions with experimental support for skipdeployingnoopfunctions" and "Skipped (No changes detected)"

[REQUIRED] Expected behavior

Functions to successfully complete deploy, since they were actually skipped anyways

[REQUIRED] Actual behavior

✔ functions[smartsign-api:XXX(us-central1)] Skipped (No changes detected) Error: HTTP Error: 400, Cloud Run service XXX does not exist in region YYY in this project.

Were you able to successfully deploy your functions?

No, I received the above error. It works when I actually change the function source. I only have about 8 functions I am deploying currently.

google-oss-bot commented 6 months ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

chriswaterbury commented 6 months ago

I am also seeing this behavior with the same Error: HTTP Error: 400, Cloud Run service XXX does not exist in region YYY in this project.

chriswaterbury commented 6 months ago

Still seeing this behavior. Breaks CI/CD implementation because every deploy fails if there aren't function updates.

chriswaterbury commented 5 months ago

I opened an issue for the cli here

exaby73 commented 5 months ago

Since this is a CLI issue and a corresponding issue has been opened on firebase-tools, I feel safe to close this issue. Please follow updates on