firebase / firebase-ios-sdk

Firebase SDK for Apple App Development
Apache License 2.0
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SwiftUI and Objective-C inter-op with Swizzling #10417

Open fabrizioCorut opened 1 year ago

fabrizioCorut commented 1 year ago


First of all, let's define some terminology. I will refer to:

Using FirebaseApp in a "SwiftUI app" is very confusing and there is no guidance as to where to correctly place the FirebaseApp.configure() method call and more importantly, why place it where it should be placed.

Some of my observations from placing the FirebaseApp.configure() call in different places:


FirebaseApp.configure() in the App's init method

Works, but some of the components from Firebase are reliant on the UIApplication.shared instance, which is not initialized at the time of the call; ❌ Setup:

struct FirebaseShowcaseApp: App {

    init() {

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {

Concrete issue example from FIRAuth.protectedDataInitialization:

UIApplication *application = [applicationClass sharedApplication];

if (application) {
    // Initialize for phone number auth.
    strongSelf->_tokenManager = [[FIRAuthAPNSTokenManager alloc] initWithApplication:application];

    strongSelf->_appCredentialManager =
        [[FIRAuthAppCredentialManager alloc] initWithKeychain:strongSelf->_keychainServices];

    strongSelf->_notificationManager = [[FIRAuthNotificationManager alloc]

at this time and point, as far as I could investigate and test, the application is NULL and that doesn't seem to change during the lifetime of the app in this setup. Obs: swizzling on/ off does not solve the behaviour described.

FirebaseApp.configure() in UIApplicationDelegate.application(_, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:)

Solves the problem described above since at init time the UIApplication.shared exists. But this is where the discussion gets interesting.

Reproducing the issue

Obs: does not seem to be an iOS specific issue since it doesn't work on iOS 15 or iOS 16 either.

Reproduction steps:

  1. create SwiftUI application;
  2. add Firebase;
  3. create @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate);
  4. call FirebaseApp.configure() from UIApplicationDelegate.application(_, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:);

Firebase SDK Version


Xcode Version


Installation Method

Swift Package Manager

Firebase Product(s)

Analytics, Authentication, Database, DynamicLinks, Firestore, Functions, Remote Config

Targeted Platforms


Relevant Log Output

Setup: FirebaseApp.configure() called in from a SwiftUI app from UIApplicationDelegate.application(_, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:). From: GULAppDelegateSwizzler.createSubclassWithObject:(id\<GULApplicationDelegate>)appDelegate just before

objc_setAssociatedObject(appDelegate, &kGULRealIMPBySelectorKey,
                           [realImplementationsBySelector copy], OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC);
(lldb) po realImplementationsBySelector
    "application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:" = "{length = 8, bytes = 0x0000000000000000}";
    "application:handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler:" = "{length = 8, bytes = 0x0000000000000000}";
    "application:openURL:options:" = "{length = 8, bytes = 0x0000000000000000}";
    "application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:" = "{length = 8, bytes = 0x0000000000000000}";

If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved

Expand Package.resolved snippet
```json { "pins" : [ { "identity" : "abseil-cpp-swiftpm", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "583de9bd60f66b40e78d08599cc92036c2e7e4e1", "version" : "0.20220203.2" } }, { "identity" : "appauth-ios", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "3d36a58a2b736f7bc499453e996a704929b25080", "version" : "1.6.0" } }, { "identity" : "boringssl-swiftpm", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "dd3eda2b05a3f459fc3073695ad1b28659066eab", "version" : "0.9.1" } }, { "identity" : "firebase-ios-sdk", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "7e80c25b51c2ffa238879b07fbfc5baa54bb3050", "version" : "9.6.0" } }, { "identity" : "googleappmeasurement", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "c1cfde8067668027b23a42c29d11c246152fe046", "version" : "9.6.0" } }, { "identity" : "googledatatransport", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "5056b15c5acbb90cd214fe4d6138bdf5a740e5a8", "version" : "9.2.0" } }, { "identity" : "googlesignin-ios", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "9450e779619fc184d360c9f7ce61023587f7e1f4", "version" : "6.2.2" } }, { "identity" : "googleutilities", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "22907832079d808e82f1182b21af58ef3880666f", "version" : "7.8.0" } }, { "identity" : "grpc-ios", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "8440b914756e0d26d4f4d054a1c1581daedfc5b6", "version" : "1.44.3-grpc" } }, { "identity" : "gtm-session-fetcher", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "4e9bbf2808b8fee444e84a48f5f3c12641987d3e", "version" : "1.7.2" } }, { "identity" : "gtmappauth", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "6dee0cde8a1b223737a5159e55e6b4ec16bbbdd9", "version" : "1.3.1" } }, { "identity" : "leveldb", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "0706abcc6b0bd9cedfbb015ba840e4a780b5159b", "version" : "1.22.2" } }, { "identity" : "nanopb", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "819d0a2173aff699fb8c364b6fb906f7cdb1a692", "version" : "2.30909.0" } }, { "identity" : "promises", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "3e4e743631e86c8c70dbc6efdc7beaa6e90fd3bb", "version" : "2.1.1" } }, { "identity" : "swift-protobuf", "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "", "state" : { "revision" : "b8230909dedc640294d7324d37f4c91ad3dcf177", "version" : "1.20.1" } } ], "version" : 2 } ```
google-oss-bot commented 1 year ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

paulb777 commented 1 year ago

@fabrizioCorut Thank you for the very thorough Issue report. In the short-term, we're working to update our documentation and in the longer term, we're exploring ways to support a more natural SwiftUI lifecycle.

peternowell commented 1 year ago

How do you disable swizzling? I have a SwiftUI Mac app with a custom app delegate. Sorry if this is a real novice question!

morganchen12 commented 1 year ago

Hey @peternowell, you can disable swizzling by adding the FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled key with value set to NO to your app's Info.plist as described here.

For now, if you're using SwiftUI, you should disable swizzling.

kaspesi commented 6 months ago

Is this still a bug? Has been open for 2 years