Closed aalenliang closed 8 months ago
I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.
Sorry about the trouble.
This is a duplicate of #11403. The fix is planned for the 10.22.0 release targeted to go out the week of March 5th.
In the meantime, a workaround is to use Xcode 15.2 or earlier.
Not sure what's going on with releases - but XCode doesn't seem to be finding any updates past 10.18 when using SPM.
I tried setting the commit manually to (I think) 10.22.1 be49849dcba96f2b5ee550d4eceb2c0fa27dade4
But that gives me an invalid signature when I try to notarize...
is this issue resolved ? Still facing this
This issue is resolved in 10.22.0 and 10.23.0. If you still have a problem, please open a new issue with the template completed.
Released app version 2.0 on 2/27 using Xcode 15.2, which worked smoothly. Version 2.0.1, aimed at bug fixes and built with Xcode 15.3 Release Candidate, was released on 2/28. Encountered a critical crash issue on 2/29, reported via Firebase, potentially due to the Xcode update.
Reverting to Xcode 15.2 for version 2.0.2 resolved the issue. It suggests a possible compatibility problem with Xcode 15.3 and iOS 17.4, causing crashes at launch.
Environments: Xcode version: Xcode 15.3 Release Candidate (15E5202a) macOS version: macOS Sonoma 14.3.1 (23D60) Firebase version: Firebase(10.20.0), Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (10.14.0)
Crashlytics report:
Reproducing the issue
Firebase SDK Version
Xcode Version
Xcode 15.3 Release Candidate (15E5202a)
Installation Method
Firebase Product(s)
Analytics, Crashlytics, Messaging, Remote Config
Targeted Platforms
Relevant Log Output
If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved
snippet```json Replace this line with the contents of your Package.resolved. ```
If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock
snippet```yml PODS: - Alamofire (5.5.0) - AppsFlyerFramework (6.5.2): - AppsFlyerFramework/Main (= 6.5.2) - AppsFlyerFramework/Main (6.5.2) - ClockHandRotationKit (0.0.1) - DefaultsKit (0.2.0) - DeviceKit (4.5.2) - EFQRCode (6.2.1): - swift_qrcodejs (~> 2.2.2) - Firebase/Analytics (10.20.0): - Firebase/Core - Firebase/Core (10.20.0): - Firebase/CoreOnly - FirebaseAnalytics (~> 10.20.0) - Firebase/CoreOnly (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (= 10.20.0) - Firebase/Crashlytics (10.20.0): - Firebase/CoreOnly - FirebaseCrashlytics (~> 10.20.0) - Firebase/RemoteConfig (10.20.0): - Firebase/CoreOnly - FirebaseRemoteConfig (~> 10.20.0) - FirebaseABTesting (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) - FirebaseAnalytics (10.20.0): - FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (= 10.20.0) - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) - FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0) - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11) - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)" - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) - FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0) - GoogleAppMeasurement (= 10.20.0) - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11) - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)" - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - FirebaseCore (10.20.0): - FirebaseCoreInternal (~> 10.0) - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.12) - GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 7.12) - FirebaseCoreExtension (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) - FirebaseCoreInternal (10.20.0): - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.8)" - FirebaseCrashlytics (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (~> 10.5) - FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0) - FirebaseSessions (~> 10.5) - GoogleDataTransport (~> 9.2) - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8) - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - PromisesObjC (~> 2.1) - FirebaseInstallations (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8) - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.8) - PromisesObjC (~> 2.1) - FirebaseMessaging (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) - FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0) - GoogleDataTransport (~> 9.3) - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.8) - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8) - GoogleUtilities/Reachability (~> 7.8) - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.8) - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - FirebaseRemoteConfig (10.20.0): - FirebaseABTesting (~> 10.0) - FirebaseCore (~> 10.0) - FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0) - FirebaseSharedSwift (~> 10.0) - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8) - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.8)" - FirebaseSessions (10.20.0): - FirebaseCore (~> 10.5) - FirebaseCoreExtension (~> 10.0) - FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0) - GoogleDataTransport (~> 9.2) - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.10) - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - PromisesSwift (~> 2.1) - FirebaseSharedSwift (10.20.0) - Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (10.14.0): - GoogleAppMeasurement (< 11.0, >= 7.0) - GoogleUserMessagingPlatform (>= 1.1) - GoogleAppMeasurement (10.20.0): - GoogleAppMeasurement/AdIdSupport (= 10.20.0) - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11) - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)" - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - GoogleAppMeasurement/AdIdSupport (10.20.0): - GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport (= 10.20.0) - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11) - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)" - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - GoogleAppMeasurement/WithoutAdIdSupport (10.20.0): - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11) - GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11) - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)" - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - GoogleDataTransport (9.3.0): - GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.7) - nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0) - PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2) - GoogleUserMessagingPlatform (2.1.0) - GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (7.12.0): - GoogleUtilities/Environment - GoogleUtilities/Logger - GoogleUtilities/Network - GoogleUtilities/Environment (7.12.0): - PromisesObjC (< 3.0, >= 1.2) - GoogleUtilities/Logger (7.12.0): - GoogleUtilities/Environment - GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (7.12.0): - GoogleUtilities/Logger - GoogleUtilities/Network (7.12.0): - GoogleUtilities/Logger - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib" - GoogleUtilities/Reachability - "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (7.12.0)" - GoogleUtilities/Reachability (7.12.0): - GoogleUtilities/Logger - GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (7.12.0): - GoogleUtilities/Logger - Hue (5.0.0) - Introspect (0.1.4) - KeychainAccess (4.2.2) - Kingfisher (7.6.2) - Localize-Swift (3.2.0): - Localize-Swift/LocalizeSwiftCore (= 3.2.0) - Localize-Swift/UIKit (= 3.2.0) - Localize-Swift/LocalizeSwiftCore (3.2.0) - Localize-Swift/UIKit (3.2.0): - Localize-Swift/LocalizeSwiftCore - MDKit (0.1.9): - MDKit/Core (= 0.1.9) - MDKit/Core (0.1.9): - MDKit/Foundation - MDKit/Foundation (0.1.9) - MDProducts (0.1.13) - nanopb (2.30909.1): - nanopb/decode (= 2.30909.1) - nanopb/encode (= 2.30909.1) - nanopb/decode (2.30909.1) - nanopb/encode (2.30909.1) - ObjcExceptionBridging (1.0.1): - ObjcExceptionBridging/ObjcExceptionBridging (= 1.0.1) - ObjcExceptionBridging/ObjcExceptionBridging (1.0.1) - PromisesObjC (2.3.1) - PromisesSwift (2.3.1): - PromisesObjC (= 2.3.1) - ReachabilitySwift (5.0.0) - SnapKit (5.6.0) - SwiftyJSON (5.0.1) - UIImageColors (2.1.0) - XCGLogger (7.0.1): - XCGLogger/Core (= 7.0.1) - XCGLogger/Core (7.0.1): - ObjcExceptionBridging DEPENDENCIES: - Alamofire - AppsFlyerFramework - DefaultsKit - DeviceKit - EFQRCode - Firebase/Analytics - Firebase/Crashlytics - Firebase/RemoteConfig - FirebaseMessaging - Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK - Hue - Introspect - KeychainAccess - Kingfisher - Localize-Swift - MDKit - MDProducts - ReachabilitySwift - SnapKit - SwiftyJSON - UIImageColors - XCGLogger trunk: - Alamofire - AppsFlyerFramework - DefaultsKit - DeviceKit - EFQRCode - Firebase - FirebaseABTesting - FirebaseAnalytics - FirebaseCore - FirebaseCoreExtension - FirebaseCoreInternal - FirebaseCrashlytics - FirebaseInstallations - FirebaseMessaging - FirebaseRemoteConfig - FirebaseSessions - FirebaseSharedSwift - Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK - GoogleAppMeasurement - GoogleDataTransport - GoogleUserMessagingPlatform - GoogleUtilities - Hue - Introspect - KeychainAccess - Kingfisher - Localize-Swift - nanopb - ObjcExceptionBridging - PromisesObjC - PromisesSwift - ReachabilitySwift - SnapKit - SwiftyJSON - UIImageColors - XCGLogger SPEC CHECKSUMS: Alamofire: 1c4fb5369c3fe93d2857c780d8bbe09f06f97e7c AppsFlyerFramework: 9f304d91cc80b6579b1206a59220383056b58b47 DefaultsKit: 6c767941b2c3fe34c4d70e300e6c3b80c94964dd DeviceKit: c622fc19f795f3e0b4d75d6d11b26604338cdab3 EFQRCode: a4d39ec3466b68dffa71de3b5caef7c9ceefdc53 Firebase: 10c8cb12fb7ad2ae0c09ffc86cd9c1ab392a0031 FirebaseABTesting: 1d5d49804bcfc5fa782bc2491a8c1364e2cf7241 FirebaseAnalytics: a2731bf3670747ce8f65368b118d18aa8e368246 FirebaseCore: 28045c1560a2600d284b9c45a904fe322dc890b6 FirebaseCoreExtension: 0659f035b88c5a7a15a9763c48c2e6ca8c0a2977 FirebaseCoreInternal: efeeb171ac02d623bdaefe121539939821e10811 FirebaseCrashlytics: 81530595edb6d99f1918f723a6c33766a24a4c86 FirebaseInstallations: 558b1da7d65afeb996fd5c814332f013234ece4e FirebaseMessaging: 06c414a21b122396a26847c523d5c370f8325df5 FirebaseRemoteConfig: b873a427a48159082361343a85649eed3f5377ea FirebaseSessions: 2f348975f6d1c139231c180e12194161da2e0cd6 FirebaseSharedSwift: 2fbf73618288b7a36b2014b957745dcdd781389e Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK: 8f67a72f88d057335b1ac3f501e2b68ad054116e GoogleAppMeasurement: bb3c564c3efb933136af0e94899e0a46167466a8 GoogleDataTransport: 57c22343ab29bc686febbf7cbb13bad167c2d8fe GoogleUserMessagingPlatform: dce302b8f1b84d6e945812ee7a15c3f65a102cbf GoogleUtilities: 0759d1a57ebb953965c2dfe0ba4c82e95ccc2e34 Hue: c129cb67be7d093a82bbbc30ce8a96757bf6f37a Introspect: b62c4dd2063072327c21d618ef2bedc3c87bc366 KeychainAccess: c0c4f7f38f6fc7bbe58f5702e25f7bd2f65abf51 Kingfisher: 6c5449c6450c5239166510ba04afe374a98afc4f Localize-Swift: 6f4475136bdb0d7b2882ea3d4ea919d70142b232 nanopb: d4d75c12cd1316f4a64e3c6963f879ecd4b5e0d5 ObjcExceptionBridging: c30e00eb3700467e695faeea30e26e18bd445001 PromisesObjC: c50d2056b5253dadbd6c2bea79b0674bd5a52fa4 PromisesSwift: 28dca69a9c40779916ac2d6985a0192a5cb4a265 ReachabilitySwift: 985039c6f7b23a1da463388634119492ff86c825 SnapKit: e01d52ebb8ddbc333eefe2132acf85c8227d9c25 SwiftyJSON: 2f33a42c6fbc52764d96f13368585094bfd8aa5e UIImageColors: d2ef3b0877d203cbb06489eeb78ea8b7788caabe XCGLogger: 1943831ef907df55108b0b18657953f868de973b PODFILE CHECKSUM: 2bc2ad6d066110c03e35fcad4a34d237842a641e COCOAPODS: 1.14.3 ```