Closed xipi000 closed 4 months ago
I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.
This looks like It was fixed in 10.22.0.
Please make sure you remove and update all the Firebase binaries to the latest version.
Hi, I am getting the nanopb related crashes on version 10.27.0. Have anyone found any solution for this? Please let me know because there are several crashes reported related nanopb.
Logs from Crashlytics:-
0 nanopb 0x6194 encode_field + 244
1 nanopb 0x6074 pb_encode + 172
2 FirebaseSessions 0x413c FIRSESEncodeProto + 64
3 FirebaseSessions 0xf04c $s16FirebaseSessions17SessionStartEventC14transportBytes10Foundation4DataVyF + 232
4 FirebaseSessions 0xf2d4 $s16FirebaseSessions17SessionStartEventC14transportBytes10Foundation4DataVyFTo + 28
5 GoogleDataTransport 0x9e78 -[GDTCOREvent setDataObject:] + 68
6 FirebaseSessions 0x5e48 $s16FirebaseSessions14EventGDTLoggerC03logC05event10completionyAA012SessionStartC0C_ys6ResultOyyts5Error_pGctF + 104
7 FirebaseSessions 0x5f44 $s16FirebaseSessions14EventGDTLoggerCAA0cD8ProtocolA2aDP03logC05event10completionyAA012SessionStartC0C_ys6ResultOyyts5Error_pGctFTW + 20
8 FirebaseSessions 0xd1c4 $s16FirebaseSessions18SessionCoordinatorC014attemptLoggingC5Start5event8callbackyAA0cG5EventC_ys6ResultOyytAA0aB5ErrorOGctFyAMcfU_ + 176
9 FirebaseSessions 0xd3c4 $s16FirebaseSessions18SessionCoordinatorC10fillInFIID33_A99E81F187A7BA47A5374F4DC053A423LL5event8callbackyAA0C10StartEventC_ys6ResultOyytAA0aB5ErrorOGctFyAKySSs0V0_pGcfU_ + 180
10 FirebaseSessions 0xabe4 $sSo16FIRInstallationsC16FirebaseSessionsE14installationID10completionyys6ResultOySSs5Error_pGc_tFySSSg_sAH_pSgtcfU_TA + 48
11 FirebaseSessions 0xaaa8 $sSSSgs5Error_pSgIeggg_So8NSStringCSgSo7NSErrorCSgIeyByy_TR + 96
12 FirebaseInstallations 0x49bc __49-[FIRInstallations installationIDWithCompletion:]_block_invoke + 56
13 FBLPromises 0x5130 __56-[FBLPromise chainOnQueue:chainedFulfill:chainedReject:]_block_invoke.18 + 52
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x213c _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 32
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x3dd4 _dispatch_client_callout + 20
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x125ec _dispatch_main_queue_drain + 1060
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x121b8 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 44
19 CoreFoundation 0x34218 __CFRunLoopRun + 1996
20 CoreFoundation 0x33968 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608
21 GraphicsServices 0x34e0 GSEventRunModal + 164
22 UIKitCore 0x22aedc -[UIApplication _run] + 888
23 UIKitCore 0x22a518 UIApplicationMain + 340
24 Al Ain Water 0xde240 main + 25 (AppDelegate.swift:25)
25 ??? 0x1b23b6d84 (Missing)
@Vikrant2411 The backtrace matches @12632 that was fixed in 10.22.0. Please make sure a full rebuild is done with a newer version.
@paulb777 I have removed the Pods and then installed them again. Is there anything else for the full rebuild which i am missing?
@Vikrant2411 Clearing DerivedData sometimes can address build issues.
Also, this issue is about a zip distribution. If you're seeing the issue with CocoaPods, please create another issue with the template filled out.
Hey @xipi000. We need more information to resolve this issue but there hasn't been an update in 5 weekdays. I'm marking the issue as stale and if there are no new updates in the next 5 days I will close it automatically.
If you have more information that will help us get to the bottom of this, just add a comment!
Since there haven't been any recent updates here, I am going to close this issue.
@xipi000 if you're still experiencing this problem and want to continue the discussion just leave a comment here and we are happy to re-open this.
I meet same issue, Firebase/Analytics has been updated to 10.28.0, and have clean the DerivedData folder.
this issue only crash in release configuration, and It's not a crash that occurs every time.
Below is my firebase sdk related dependency
- Firebase/Analytics (10.28.0):
- Firebase/Core
- Firebase/Core (10.28.0):
- Firebase/CoreOnly
- FirebaseAnalytics (~> 10.28.0)
- Firebase/CoreOnly (10.28.0):
- FirebaseCore (= 10.28.0)
- FirebaseAnalytics (10.28.0):
- FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (= 10.28.0)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)"
- nanopb (< 2.30911.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- FirebaseAnalytics/AdIdSupport (10.28.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0)
- GoogleAppMeasurement (= 10.28.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/MethodSwizzler (~> 7.11)
- GoogleUtilities/Network (~> 7.11)
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.11)"
- nanopb (< 2.30911.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (10.19.0)
- FirebaseAuth (10.19.0):
- FirebaseAppCheckInterop (~> 10.17)
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/AppDelegateSwizzler (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GTMSessionFetcher/Core (< 4.0, >= 2.1)
- RecaptchaInterop (~> 100.0)
- FirebaseCore (10.28.0):
- FirebaseCoreInternal (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.12)
- GoogleUtilities/Logger (~> 7.12)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (10.19.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseCoreInternal (10.19.0):
- "GoogleUtilities/NSData+zlib (~> 7.8)"
- FirebaseCrashlytics (10.19.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.5)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseSessions (~> 10.5)
- GoogleDataTransport (~> 9.2)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- PromisesObjC (~> 2.1)
- FirebaseInstallations (10.19.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.0)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.8)
- GoogleUtilities/UserDefaults (~> 7.8)
- PromisesObjC (~> 2.1)
- FirebaseSessions (10.19.0):
- FirebaseCore (~> 10.5)
- FirebaseCoreExtension (~> 10.0)
- FirebaseInstallations (~> 10.0)
- GoogleDataTransport (~> 9.2)
- GoogleUtilities/Environment (~> 7.10)
- nanopb (< 2.30910.0, >= 2.30908.0)
- PromisesSwift (~> 2.1)```
I found that FirebaseCrashlytics not updated to newest version. When I updated all firebase related libs the launch crash dismissed.
When i run [FIRApp configure] method in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions,it crashed。the debug mode is Running well,but release mode crash Definitely。
Reproducing the issue
No response
Firebase SDK Version
Xcode Version
Installation Method
Firebase Product(s)
Analytics, Crashlytics
Targeted Platforms
Relevant Log Output
If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved
snippet```json Replace this line with the contents of your Package.resolved. ```
If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock
snippet```yml Replace this line with the contents of your Podfile.lock! ```