firebase / firebase-ios-sdk

Firebase SDK for Apple App Development
Apache License 2.0
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In app messaging doesn't work in version 10.28.1 #13191

Open Tulakshana opened 4 days ago

Tulakshana commented 4 days ago


In app messaging doesn't work in version 10.28.1

Reproducing the issue

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install Firebase version 10.28.1 using cocoapods pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/Auth', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/Crashlytics', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/Analytics', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/InAppMessaging', '10.28.1' #beta pod 'Firebase/Performance', '10.28.1'
  2. Go to in app messaging in the firebase console and create a new in app messaging campaign
  3. Install the new version of the app with Firebase 10.28.1 in a real device
  4. Run the app
  5. Copy the firebase installation id Installations.installations().installationID { [weak self] (id, error) in }
  6. Use the copied installation id to send a test in app message using the campaign you created in step 2

Expected result Receive the in app message

Actual result Does not receive the in app message

Firebase SDK Version


Xcode Version


Installation Method


Firebase Product(s)

Analytics, Authentication, Crashlytics, In-App Messaging, Messaging, Performance, Remote Config

Targeted Platforms


Relevant Log Output

No response

If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved

No response

If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock

platform :ios, '15.0'



pod 'Firebase/Messaging', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/RemoteConfig', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/Auth', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/Crashlytics', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/Analytics', '10.28.1' pod 'Firebase/InAppMessaging', '10.28.1' #beta pod 'Firebase/Performance', '10.28.1'

target 'MyApp' do end

target 'MyAppTests' do end

post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '15.0' config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO' config.build_settings['ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH'] = 'NO' end end end

rizafran commented 3 days ago

Hi @Tulakshana, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue. May I know if you're clicking the Test on device button in the campaign before opening the app?

Tulakshana commented 3 days ago

Yes. The template I used was the one with the image, text and CTA which appears at the centre of the screen.

rizafran commented 2 days ago

Thanks for the reply, @Tulakshana. I can't seem to reproduce the issue. Could you confirm if it's also reproducible using a simulator on your end?