firebase / firebase-ios-sdk

Firebase SDK for Apple App Development
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Firebase in app messaging does not show Installation ID in console log #9461

Open SchwartzLizer opened 2 years ago

SchwartzLizer commented 2 years ago

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[REQUIRED] Step 1: Describe your environment

[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe the problem

Steps to reproduce:

i would like to see Firebase Installation ID but not show in console simulation and real device have same problem before version i see it happen too i don't know what happen. I'm follow on this but not working to show Installation ID in log

Console Log:

// Only In App Messaging Log 
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessagingDisplay][I-FID100010] Got notification for kFIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification. Setting display component on headless SDK.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM290001] Setting a non-nil message display component
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170001] Got notification for kFIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170002] Auto bootstrap Firebase in-app messaging SDK
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170005] Not running in simulator. Use regular clearcut uploading strategy.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310001] Persistent file path for activity log data is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/12DFE357-1CC8-4A12-97A8-72F04EAA3622/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-activity-log-cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230001] Persistent file path for clearcut log records is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/12DFE357-1CC8-4A12-97A8-72F04EAA3622/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-clearcut-retry-records
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230002] Loaded 0 clearcut log records from file in 0.000289 seconds
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230005] Returning 0 clearcut retry records from popStillValidRecords
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260001] FIRIAMClearcutUploader created with strategy as min wait time in seconds:300;max wait time in seconds:43200;failure backoff time in seconds:3600;batch send size:50
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM290001] SDK is in mode of Newly Installed and has seen 0 fetches.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM300010] Detected 3 custom URL schemes from environment
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180002] Firebase In-App Messaging SDK version 8.13.0 finished startup in 0.874489 seconds with these settings:;ProjectNumber:1007228000705; API_Key:AIzaSyBJxYMNc0aSToE8UA_RJTgTafMJylGg7-I;Clearcut; Fetch Minimal Interval:86400 seconds; Activity Logger Max:100; Foreground Display Trigger Minimal Interval:86400 seconds;
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM150004] Persistent file path for fetch response data is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/12DFE357-1CC8-4A12-97A8-72F04EAA3622/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-messages-cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM150003] Local fetch storage file not existent yet: first time launch of the app.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM900014] No fetch epoch time detected in API response.
13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM900002] 0 message definitions were parsed out successfully and 0 messages are discarded
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM160011] No analytics event trigger based messages, disable listening
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM140003] Stop observing Firebase Analytics events for display check.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM160001] There are 0 test messages and 0 regular messages and 0 Firebase Analytics events to watch after resetting the message cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180001] Message loading from fetch storage was done.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180014] No auto data collection enable setting entry detected.So no FIAM programmatic setting from the app.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180018] No programmatic or plist setting at FIAM level. Fallback to global Firebase level setting.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180009] No FIAM SDK startup due to settings.
// Full Log
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Core][I-COR000001] Configuring the default app.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS024000] Debug mode is on
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023007] Analytics v.8.13.0 started
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023008] To disable debug logging set the following application argument: -noFIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled (see
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023009] Debug logging enabled
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023207] To enable verbose logging set the following application argument: -FIRAnalyticsVerboseLoggingEnabled (see
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM002000] FIRMessaging library version 8.13.0
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM001000] FIRMessaging Remote Notifications proxy enabled, will swizzle remote notification receiver handlers. If you'd prefer to manually integrate Firebase Messaging, add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist, and set it to NO. Follow the instructions at:
[Firebase/Crashlytics] Version 8.13.0
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Crashlytics][I-CLS000000] [Crashlytics] Running on iPhone14,3, 15.4.0 (19E241)
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Crashlytics][I-CLS000000] [Crashlytics:Settings] Settings expired because build instance changed
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Crashlytics][I-CLS000000] [Crashlytics:Crash:Reports:Event] Registered Firebase Analytics event listener to receive breadcrumb logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Crashlytics][I-CLS000000] Automatic data collection is enabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Crashlytics][I-CLS000000] Unsent reports will be uploaded at startup
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF100001] Firebase Performance Monitoring is successfully initialized! In a minute, visit the Firebase console to view your data:
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessagingDisplay][I-FID100010] Got notification for kFIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification. Setting display component on headless SDK.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM290001] Setting a non-nil message display component
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170001] Got notification for kFIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170002] Auto bootstrap Firebase in-app messaging SDK
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170005] Not running in simulator. Use regular clearcut uploading strategy.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310001] Persistent file path for activity log data is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/12DFE357-1CC8-4A12-97A8-72F04EAA3622/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-activity-log-cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230001] Persistent file path for clearcut log records is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/12DFE357-1CC8-4A12-97A8-72F04EAA3622/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-clearcut-retry-records
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230002] Loaded 0 clearcut log records from file in 0.000289 seconds
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230005] Returning 0 clearcut retry records from popStillValidRecords
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260001] FIRIAMClearcutUploader created with strategy as min wait time in seconds:300;max wait time in seconds:43200;failure backoff time in seconds:3600;batch send size:50
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM290001] SDK is in mode of Newly Installed and has seen 0 fetches.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM300010] Detected 3 custom URL schemes from environment
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002002] APMExperimentAlarm scheduled to fire in approx. (s): 8739.018041968346
8.13.0 - [Firebase/RemoteConfig][I-RCN000062] Loading database at path /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/12DFE357-1CC8-4A12-97A8-72F04EAA3622/Library/Application Support/Google/RemoteConfig/RemoteConfig.sqlite3
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000017] Has valid access token. Estimated expiration date: 2022-03-16 09:40:18 +0000, current date: 2022-03-16 09:03:34 +0000
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000017] Actual token expiration date: 2022-03-16 09:40:17 +0000, current date: 2022-03-16 09:03:34 +0000
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000017] Has valid access token. Estimated expiration date: 2022-03-16 09:40:18 +0000, current date: 2022-03-16 09:03:34 +0000
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000017] Actual token expiration date: 2022-03-16 09:40:17 +0000, current date: 2022-03-16 09:03:34 +0000
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF900002] Session Id generated - f12e355bad2d49c08a6a209c758aba1b
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS800023] No pending snapshot to activate. SDK name: app_measurement
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS029014] Successfully parsed a configuration. Version: 1646286554619120
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023016] Analytics is ready to receive events
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS032003] iAd framework is not linked. Search Ad Attribution Reporter is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023012] Analytics collection enabled
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023220] Analytics screen reporting is enabled. Call +[FIRAnalytics logEventWithName:FIREventScreenView parameters:] to log a screen view event. To disable automatic screen reporting, set the flag FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled to NO (boolean) in the Info.plist
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023012] Analytics collection enabled
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023220] Analytics screen reporting is enabled. Call +[FIRAnalytics logEventWithName:FIREventScreenView parameters:] to log a screen view event. To disable automatic screen reporting, set the flag FirebaseAutomaticScreenReportingEnabled to NO (boolean) in the Info.plist
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM002022] APNS device token not set before retrieving FCM Token for Sender ID '1007228000705'. Notifications to this FCM Token will not be delivered over APNS.Be sure to re-retrieve the FCM token once the APNS device token is set.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180002] Firebase In-App Messaging SDK version 8.13.0 finished startup in 0.874489 seconds with these settings:;ProjectNumber:1007228000705; API_Key:AIzaSyBJxYMNc0aSToE8UA_RJTgTafMJylGg7-I;Clearcut; Fetch Minimal Interval:86400 seconds; Activity Logger Max:100; Foreground Display Trigger Minimal Interval:86400 seconds;
Clearcut strategy:min wait time in seconds:300;max wait time in seconds:43200;failure backoff time in seconds:3600;batch send size:50;Global Firebase auto data collection disabled
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM002022] APNS device token not set before retrieving FCM Token for Sender ID '1007228000705'. Notifications to this FCM Token will not be delivered over APNS.Be sure to re-retrieve the FCM token once the APNS device token is set.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM150004] Persistent file path for fetch response data is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/12DFE357-1CC8-4A12-97A8-72F04EAA3622/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-messages-cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000017] Has valid access token. Estimated expiration date: 2022-03-16 09:40:18 +0000, current date: 2022-03-16 09:03:35 +0000
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM150003] Local fetch storage file not existent yet: first time launch of the app.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM900014] No fetch epoch time detected in API response.
13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM900002] 0 message definitions were parsed out successfully and 0 messages are discarded
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM160011] No analytics event trigger based messages, disable listening
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM140003] Stop observing Firebase Analytics events for display check.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM160001] There are 0 test messages and 0 regular messages and 0 Firebase Analytics events to watch after resetting the message cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180001] Message loading from fetch storage was done.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180014] No auto data collection enable setting entry detected.So no FIAM programmatic setting from the app.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180018] No programmatic or plist setting at FIAM level. Fallback to global Firebase level setting.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180009] No FIAM SDK startup due to settings.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000017] Actual token expiration date: 2022-03-16 09:40:17 +0000, current date: 2022-03-16 09:03:35 +0000
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
[Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM023012] Provisioning profile has specifically provisioned devices, most likely a Dev profile.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM023013] APNS Environment in profile: development
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034011] Invalidating cached token for 1007228000705 (*) due to APNs token change.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000011] Provisioning profile has specifically provisioned devices, most likely a Dev profile.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Auth][I-AUT000012] APNS Environment in profile: development
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM043000] Info is not found in Keychain. OSStatus: -25300. Keychain query: {
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034000] Fetch new token for authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope: *
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034000] Fetch new token for authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope: *
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034000] Fetch new token for authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope: *
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM043000] Info is not found in Keychain. OSStatus: -25300. Keychain query: {
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034000] Fetch new token for authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope: *
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034000] Fetch new token for authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope: *
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034000] Fetch new token for authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope: *
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM040000] Register request to content: X-osv=15.4&device=5723578534782051474&X-scope=*&plat=2&app=&app_ver=12.1&X-cliv=fiid-8.13.0&sender=1007228000705&X-subtype=1007228000705&appid=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t&gmp_app_id=1:1007228000705:ios:62625f3fbde3732ee97740
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002002] Engagement timer scheduled to fire in approx. (s): 3600
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS031010] Tracking view controller. Class, ID: TodayViewController, 6623648795337510279
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS031006] View controller already tracked. Class, ID: TodayViewController, 6623648795337510279
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS031006] View controller already tracked. Class, ID: TodayViewController, 6623648795337510279
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023051] Logging event: origin, name, params: auto, screen_view (_vs), {
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023073] Debug mode is enabled. Marking event as debug and real-time. Event name, parameters: screen_view (_vs), {
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023072] Event logged. Event name, event params: screen_view (_vs), {
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002002] Measurement timer scheduled to fire in approx. (s): 0.9775278568267822
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
Send Firebase Registor Token 👀
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Crashlytics][I-CLS000000] Settings downloaded successfully
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM043002] Couldn't delete item from Keychain OSStatus: -25300 with the keychain query {
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002001] Measurement timer fired
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002003] Measurement timer canceled
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023105] Event is not subject to real-time event count daily limit. Marking an event as real-time. Event name, parameters: screen_view (_vs), {
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS012018] Saving bundle. size (bytes): 481
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023116] Bundle added to the upload queue. BundleID, timestamp (ms): 16, 1647421415100
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023039] Measurement data sent to network. Timestamp (ms), data: 1647421416198, <APMPBMeasurementBatch: 0x28341dc00>
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS900000] Uploading data. Host:
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS901006] Received SSL challenge for host. Host:
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034001] Token fetch successful, token: d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71, authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope:*
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM040000] Register request to content: X-osv=15.4&device=5723578534782051474&X-scope=*&plat=2&app=&app_ver=12.1&X-cliv=fiid-8.13.0&sender=1007228000705&X-subtype=1007228000705&appid=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t&gmp_app_id=1:1007228000705:ios:62625f3fbde3732ee97740
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023044] Successful upload. Got network response. Code, size: 204, -1
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM017000] Topic subscription request: sender=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71&app=&device=5723578534782051474&app_ver=12.1&X-gcm.topic=/topics/ios&X-scope=/topics/ios
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002002] Measurement timer scheduled to fire in approx. (s): -1.567949056625366
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002003] Measurement timer canceled
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM040000] Register request to content: X-osv=15.4&device=5723578534782051474&X-scope=*&plat=2&app=&app_ver=12.1&X-cliv=fiid-8.13.0&sender=1007228000705&X-subtype=1007228000705&appid=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t&apns_token=s_496d3143647528a1233af06ed35ace8a35cbcc1aa8089f13c7d610d3fcce1397&gmp_app_id=1:1007228000705:ios:62625f3fbde3732ee97740
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034001] Token fetch successful, token: d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71, authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope:*
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM017000] Topic subscription request: sender=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71&app=&device=5723578534782051474&app_ver=12.1&X-gcm.topic=/topics/all&X-scope=/topics/all
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM040000] Register request to content: X-osv=15.4&device=5723578534782051474&X-scope=*&plat=2&app=&app_ver=12.1&X-cliv=fiid-8.13.0&sender=1007228000705&X-subtype=1007228000705&appid=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t&apns_token=s_496d3143647528a1233af06ed35ace8a35cbcc1aa8089f13c7d610d3fcce1397&gmp_app_id=1:1007228000705:ios:62625f3fbde3732ee97740
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034001] Token fetch successful, token: d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71, authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope:*
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM040000] Register request to content: X-osv=15.4&device=5723578534782051474&X-scope=*&plat=2&app=&app_ver=12.1&X-cliv=fiid-8.13.0&sender=1007228000705&X-subtype=1007228000705&appid=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t&apns_token=s_496d3143647528a1233af06ed35ace8a35cbcc1aa8089f13c7d610d3fcce1397&gmp_app_id=1:1007228000705:ios:62625f3fbde3732ee97740
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034001] Token fetch successful, token: d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71, authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope:*
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002001] -[FIRInstallationsIDController installationWithValidAuthTokenForcingRefresh:0], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Installations][I-FIS002000] -[FIRInstallationsIDController createGetInstallationItemPromise], appName: __FIRAPP_DEFAULT
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM040000] Register request to content: X-osv=15.4&device=5723578534782051474&X-scope=*&plat=2&app=&app_ver=12.1&X-cliv=fiid-8.13.0&sender=1007228000705&X-subtype=1007228000705&appid=d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t&apns_token=s_496d3143647528a1233af06ed35ace8a35cbcc1aa8089f13c7d610d3fcce1397&gmp_app_id=1:1007228000705:ios:62625f3fbde3732ee97740
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Performance][I-PRF200004] Trace feature is disabled.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034001] Token fetch successful, token: d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71, authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope:*
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM034001] Token fetch successful, token: d3V7qcGnMU3GlSyZJgVJ2t:APA91bGOrgHLM2LWSfZFKF23DILDw9vx9FYKN4q2YtQy3WdhAycgUprxvveG5Mv7Cps1LsLq3D2_y98c5FQsnBgTpWrMrcc7c6lyoiSG524ICqx2GNft5CGNSs55Mkr5prZM8Kl6zl71, authorizedEntity: 1007228000705, scope:*
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM004003] Successfully subscribed to topic /topics/all
8.13.0 - [Firebase/Messaging][I-FCM004003] Successfully subscribed to topic /topics/ios
google-oss-bot commented 2 years ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

ryanwilson commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the troubles @SchwartzLizer - I'm not sure why it's not logging. In the meantime, you can use the Installations API directly to grab it.

Installations.installations().installationID { identifier, error in 
  guard let installationID = identifier else { 
    print("Error getting installation ID: \(error!)")

  print("Firebase installations ID = \(installationID)")
SchwartzLizer commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the troubles @SchwartzLizer - I'm not sure why it's not logging. In the meantime, you can use the Installations API directly to grab it.

Installations.installations().installationID { identifier, error in 
  guard let installationID = identifier else { 
    print("Error getting installation ID: \(error!)")

  print("Firebase installations ID = \(installationID)")

It work but now i have new problem when i get installationID and paste in firebase and send to test device but not show anything. I'm Looking in console like this

[Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180017] Seeing test message in fetch response. Turn the current instance into a testing instance.

but not found

Console Log
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessagingDisplay][I-FID100010] Got notification for kFIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification. Setting display component on headless SDK.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM290001] Setting a non-nil message display component
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170001] Got notification for kFIRAppReadyToConfigureSDKNotification
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170002] Auto bootstrap Firebase in-app messaging SDK
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM170005] Not running in simulator. Use regular clearcut uploading strategy.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310001] Persistent file path for activity log data is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5BA94567-81A6-46ED-A1AC-696EFA9B729A/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-activity-log-cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230001] Persistent file path for clearcut log records is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5BA94567-81A6-46ED-A1AC-696EFA9B729A/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-clearcut-retry-records
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230002] Loaded 0 clearcut log records from file in 0.000345 seconds
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230005] Returning 0 clearcut retry records from popStillValidRecords
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260001] FIRIAMClearcutUploader created with strategy as min wait time in seconds:300;max wait time in seconds:43200;failure backoff time in seconds:3600;batch send size:50
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM290001] SDK is in mode of Newly Installed and has seen 0 fetches.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM300010] Detected 3 custom URL schemes from environment
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180002] Firebase In-App Messaging SDK version 8.13.0 finished startup in 0.310259 seconds with these settings:;ProjectNumber:1007228000705; API_Key:AIzaSyBJxYMNc0aSToE8UA_RJTgTafMJylGg7-I;Clearcut; Fetch Minimal Interval:86400 seconds; Activity Logger Max:100; Foreground Display Trigger Minimal Interval:86400 seconds;
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM150004] Persistent file path for fetch response data is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/5BA94567-81A6-46ED-A1AC-696EFA9B729A/Library/Caches/firebase-iam-messages-cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM150003] Local fetch storage file not existent yet: first time launch of the app.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM900014] No fetch epoch time detected in API response.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM900002] 0 message definitions were parsed out successfully and 0 messages are discarded
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM160011] No analytics event trigger based messages, disable listening
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM140003] Stop observing Firebase Analytics events for display check.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM160001] There are 0 test messages and 0 regular messages and 0 Firebase Analytics events to watch after resetting the message cache
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180001] Message loading from fetch storage was done.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180014] No auto data collection enable setting entry detected.So no FIAM programmatic setting from the app.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180018] No programmatic or plist setting at FIAM level. Fallback to global Firebase level setting.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM180009] No FIAM SDK startup due to settings.
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260010] App foregrounded, FIRIAMClearcutUploader will seed next send
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260006] Next upload attempt scheduled in 0 seconds
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230005] Returning 0 clearcut retry records from popStillValidRecords
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260007] No clearcut records to be uploaded
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260010] App foregrounded, FIRIAMClearcutUploader will seed next send
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260006] Next upload attempt scheduled in 0 seconds
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230005] Returning 0 clearcut retry records from popStillValidRecords
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM260007] No clearcut records to be uploaded
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM310004] App will become inactive, save activity logs
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
8.13.0 - [Firebase/InAppMessaging][I-IAM230003] Saving 0 clearcut log records into file is successful
sin2 commented 1 year ago

FirebaseInAppMessagingAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled - setting this in my info.plist to TRUE worked for me