I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.
This issue does not have all the information required by the template. Looks like you forgot to fill out some sections. Please update the issue with more information.
Step 0: Are you in the right place?
tag.[REQUIRED] Step 1: Describe your environment
CocoaPods | Carthage | Zip file | Swift Package Manager
(select one)All | iOS | Catalyst | macOS | tvOS | watchOS
[REQUIRED] Step 2: Describe the problem
Steps to reproduce:
What happened? How can we make the problem occur? This could be a description, log/console output, etc.
If you have a downloadable sample project that reproduces the bug you're reporting, you will likely receive a faster response on your issue.
Relevant Code: