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FR: Safari Push Notification Support (via APN) #1423

Open digaus opened 5 years ago

digaus commented 5 years ago

Any plans on supporting the Safari Push Notifications (implement APN handling and conversion to FCM keys)?

timscullin commented 5 years ago


ganglio commented 5 years ago


prashantalhat commented 5 years ago


avithe1 commented 5 years ago


planecore commented 5 years ago


jetstudio-io commented 5 years ago


1hakr commented 4 years ago


sagivo commented 4 years ago


srobertson421 commented 4 years ago


This is really needed, still doesn't work in Safari 13

niklat22 commented 4 years ago


can we use any third party notification which interact with FCM?

davwheat commented 4 years ago

Just wondering if there are any updates on this issue as it seems to be completely silent except from users of Firebase.

Onyoursix commented 4 years ago

Would love an update on this, this is sorely needed

chukhanhvan commented 4 years ago


LRK321 commented 4 years ago


andreasanta commented 4 years ago

Same here, it's a big turn down for us, it represents 27% of the Market Share on mobile, and 3% on desktop.

Ignoring Safari on mobile is definitely not an option in our PWA.

rejhgadellaa commented 4 years ago

@andreasanta You mention Safari on iOS but even Apple's own APN push notifications only work on macOS currently. There is no support for push messages in Safari on iOS. No amount of money, development will change that unless Apple deems it worth the time to implement.

That said: I'd love Safari on macOS support so consider me /subbed

andreasanta commented 4 years ago

@rejhgadellaa So unfortunately true! I thought APN would work on Safari iOS. Apparently, Apple is still determined to restrict core functionality to Apps, so they can cash in a while longer on the App Store purchases. You're right, nothing can change that unless they open the functionality to PWAs.

malarium commented 4 years ago

YUP, lack of iOS support truly sucks. But I'm pretty sure that when it is finally introduced by Apple - it will be implemented in FCM, won't it?

TraMZzz commented 4 years ago


AverageHelper commented 3 years ago

I'm sure native iOS support is coming. Meantime, macOS support would be nice.

mourad1081 commented 3 years ago


phips28 commented 3 years ago


lukepighetti commented 3 years ago

I'm at a bit of a loss here. I did what I thought was my due diligence to recommend FCM to a client. Only after finding the messaging/unsupported-browser error in console did I search Stack and realize that macOS Safari, despite Google having an implementation green light, is not supported by FCM.

Checking the WebKit feature roadmap there are no indications that Apple will ever support the Push API. This is 100% in Google's court to implement. There's no point in playing Push API chicken with Apple anymore.

We are already fully prepared to tool up for APN certs for our mobile app, I see no reason why we, as Firebase customers, should be expected to ignore macOS Safari for this feature. I have no idea if this is a political move or not, but either way I don't think we should be left out in the cold here.

CosmicPangolin commented 3 years ago

@Feiyang1 @mmermerkaya

Is there any progress on this? Increasingly important with Flutter web, and no word for almost two years...

zwu52 commented 2 years ago

Hey folks, Thanks for expressing great interest in having FM supporting MacOS Safari sends. Apologies for the negligence on this long standing FR. I have brought this up to the team and want to share some updates:

I'll keep the thread posted on any updates. Cheers.

malarium commented 2 years ago

At last! Thank you and, well, let's wait some more ;)

digaus commented 2 years ago

Good to see that we are finally making progress 🎉

lukepighetti commented 2 years ago

Happy to hear and thanks for the update and transparency

neekey commented 2 years ago

OK, given the push service is not available yet, is there anyway i can only use the send / subscribe feature while user's page is open? I only want to use FCM as a service for the server to send connected client data update event. The missing of safari support becomes the major block to me

zwu52 commented 2 years ago

@neekey I assume you are targeting Mac OS Safari. Unfortunately, until this feature is released, you will need to find another way to push data payloads to your Mac OS Safari clients. But you probably know you could already do it to other browsers with the FM SDK with the caveat that you can't silent push.

samaneh-kamalian commented 2 years ago

Is there any update for this issue?

AntoineGuerra commented 2 years ago

+1 🤓

kashyaprahul94 commented 2 years ago

+1 🤓

zwu52 commented 2 years ago

Hi folks, thanks for the patience. update:

lukepighetti commented 2 years ago

the transparency is.. incredible. Thank you

lukepighetti commented 2 years ago

Way better to wait years for something that takes years, instead of waiting months for something that takes years. The transparency gives you what you need to make decisions, which is all we can ask for

CosmicPangolin commented 2 years ago

Way better to wait years for something that takes years, instead of waiting months for something that takes years. The transparency gives you what you need to make decisions, which is all we can ask for

You're right, that was super unfair of me. This is a valuable feature but it should be done right, and systems work is worth its weight in gold over time. I hope the team gets the staff they need <3

FirefighterBlu3 commented 1 year ago

Howdy, we're now in Q4 of 2022, @zwu52 would you mind posting another update?

cervenf commented 1 year ago

@zwu52 Hi, if you could give us an update would great. Thank you :) seems that mac Safari supports push up now:

noobcoder95 commented 1 year ago

i'm waiting for update

sman591 commented 1 year ago

The FCM quick start app runs background notifications successfully for me on Safari 16.2 with macOS Ventura. macOS 13 Ventura (released Oct 2022) is the minimum requirement according to Apple's documentation. Related: #6620

huksley commented 1 year ago

@sman591 What about iOS? Could you check it?

lukepighetti commented 1 year ago

Boy, was I wrong. Apple did implement Push API!

sman591 commented 1 year ago

@huksley Apple's documentation only mentions macOS for Web Push

barhemo commented 1 year ago

any news?

andreififiita commented 1 year ago

I tried firebase messaging v9.16.0 in my app also (Safari 16 macos Ventura 13.1) and it seems to work in background (when delivered by the service worker) but in foreground only receives notifications 3 times, then it stops working. Is this a "normal" behavior for some reason?

andreififiita commented 1 year ago

Also, i tested on iOS and i don't understand how can you try the experimental Push API in Safari 16 iOS, since the Notification.requestPermission() function doesn't even exist?

AverageHelper commented 1 year ago

the Notification.requestPermission() function doesn't even exist

You mean this Notification.requestPermission() function?

andreififiita commented 1 year ago

the Notification.requestPermission() function doesn't even exist

You mean this Notification.requestPermission() function?

Exactly, iOS doesn't have that at 16.2 from what i tested. Or do we have at least a substitute for iOS?

rejhgadellaa commented 1 year ago

Web Push for Safari is currently only available on macOS 13.x.

( Even though you can install the latest Safari on macOS 12, that version will not have Web Push because their implementation requires the OS update. It relies on some new system service (yes, really...) )

For iOS and iPadOS, Web Push support will come in 2023: