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FR: Add Support for Firefox Extensions (moz-extension://) #2394

Open ptrwtts opened 4 years ago

ptrwtts commented 4 years ago

[REQUIRED] Describe your environment

[REQUIRED] Describe the problem

When try you to use Auth inside a Firefox Extension, you get the following error:

This operation is not supported in the environment this application is running on. \"location.protocol\" must be http, https or chrome-extension and web storage must be enabled.

This origin check should also allow moz-extension, which is identical to chrome-extension, just inside Firefox. Happy to create a PR if it will be accepted.

rommelpe commented 4 years ago

Thanks for filing a feature request, @ptrwtts! I created an internal FR (b/146015097) looping in Auth folks. While this is currently an expectation limitation, will keep this open and as we prioritize new features. Thanks!

rommelpe commented 4 years ago

I got feedback from Auth team that it is unlikely to add support for Firefox extensions at this point. With Chrome extensions manifest v3, our support for chrome extensions will most likely break.

There are more restrictions with that which will break our current implementation. We would need to fix things for v3 first.

xerosanyam commented 4 years ago

@rommelpe or you could let users decide which manifest version to use. This is really a deal-breaker & shameful. Sorry guys lost some respect for you. 😞

Please.. Please embrace the open web.

hheimbuerger commented 4 years ago

@rommelpe I have to second that the argument you just made there is pretty absurd.

I want to believe that you're in favor of web standards, but the looks of this are not good.