firebase / firebase-js-sdk

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ID token docs say refreshes with 5 minutes buffer but seems to be 30 seconds #8165

Open anuraaga opened 1 month ago

anuraaga commented 1 month ago

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This report is based on examining the code in GitHub and not an actual direct usage. We noticed expired tokens being sent to our backend and investigated the code and found this.

Describe the problem

The documentation says that firebase ID tokens should be refreshed if they would expires within 5 minutes.

But looking at the code that actually fetches, it appears to use a buffer that is 30s

Is this intended or is it missing a 0 accidentally?

Steps and code to reproduce issue

We don't have a direct reproduction but notice expired tokens being sent to our backend (no request takes more than 5 minutes to process) and examined the code to see why it may be.

renkelvin commented 1 month ago

The 5 minutes is enforced by expirationTime, while the 30s is to refresh the token if it will expire in 30s.

anuraaga commented 1 month ago

@renkelvin Do you mean StsTokenManager.expirationTime? That is set to the STS response from here

Do you mean the server returns an expires_in in the response that is 5 minutes before the exp claim in the token itself?