firebase / firebase-js-sdk

Firebase Javascript SDK
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Renovate minor dependencies #8187

Closed dlarocque closed 1 week ago

dlarocque commented 4 weeks ago

Upgrading minor dependencies from

changeset-bot[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

🦋 Changeset detected

Latest commit: 542cf15afaa0e66ed2351a1b1a9e574d737aba5c

The changes in this PR will be included in the next version bump.

This PR includes changesets to release 48 packages | Name | Type | | --------------------------------- | ----- | | firebase | Minor | | @firebase/vertexai-preview | Patch | | @firebase/app | Patch | | @firebase/webchannel-wrapper | Major | | @firebase/firestore | Patch | | @firebase/analytics | Patch | | @firebase/analytics-compat | Patch | | @firebase/analytics-interop-types | Patch | | @firebase/analytics-types | Patch | | @firebase/app-check | Patch | | @firebase/app-check-compat | Patch | | @firebase/app-check-interop-types | Patch | | @firebase/app-check-types | Patch | | @firebase/app-compat | Patch | | @firebase/app-types | Patch | | @firebase/auth | Patch | | @firebase/auth-compat | Patch | | @firebase/auth-interop-types | Patch | | @firebase/auth-types | Patch | | @firebase/component | Patch | | @firebase/database | Patch | | @firebase/database-compat | Patch | | @firebase/database-types | Patch | | @firebase/firestore-compat | Patch | | @firebase/firestore-types | Patch | | @firebase/functions | Patch | | @firebase/functions-compat | Patch | | @firebase/functions-types | Patch | | @firebase/installations | Patch | | @firebase/installations-compat | Patch | | @firebase/installations-types | Patch | | @firebase/logger | Patch | | @firebase/messaging | Patch | | @firebase/messaging-compat | Patch | | @firebase/messaging-interop-types | Patch | | @firebase/performance | Patch | | @firebase/performance-compat | Patch | | @firebase/performance-types | Patch | | @firebase/remote-config | Patch | | @firebase/remote-config-compat | Patch | | @firebase/remote-config-types | Patch | | @firebase/rules-unit-testing | Patch | | @firebase/storage | Patch | | @firebase/storage-compat | Patch | | @firebase/storage-types | Patch | | @firebase/template | Patch | | @firebase/template-types | Patch | | @firebase/util | Patch |

Not sure what this means? Click here to learn what changesets are.

Click here if you're a maintainer who wants to add another changeset to this PR

google-oss-bot commented 4 weeks ago

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google-oss-bot commented 4 weeks ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Changeset File Check :white_check_mark: