firebase / firebase-js-sdk

Firebase Javascript SDK
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Keep the context on cancel callback handler. #8204

Open AlastairTaft opened 3 weeks ago

AlastairTaft commented 3 weeks ago

I have an issue where there is an unhandled promise rejection throwing, but I have an error handler on this scenario, it looks something like this

const Display = function(deviceId){
  this.bindedOnUnhandledRejection_ = this.onUnhandledRejection_.bind(this)

Display.prototype.addEventListeners = function(){
  window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", this.bindedOnUnhandledRejection_)

Display.prototype.onUnhandledRejection_ = function(event){
    message: event.reason instanceof Error ? 
      event.reason.message :
    type: 'ERROR',
  }, {
    'reason': maybeConvertErrorToSerializableObject(event.reason),

My issue is that onUnhandledRejection is getting called from Firebase, and Firebase is removing the context from my function. So the error comes in and `this.logger` is undefined.

I'm proposing that Firebase should not be messing with my function context.

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