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Analytics Consent not sent on update #8210

Closed megamisan closed 3 days ago

megamisan commented 3 weeks ago

Operating System

Windows 11 23H2

Browser Version

Edge 124.0.2478.51

Firebase SDK Version


Firebase SDK Product:

Analytics, AppCheck, Auth, Firestore, Functions, Storage

Describe your project's tooling

Vue.js app.

Describe the problem

I'm trying to get analytics to work with consent banner and sending advanced consent information with the setConsent method.

Steps and code to reproduce issue

In the projet, initialize Firebase first. I consider app to be a constant containing the firebase application instance in the following snippet:

import { setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled, setConsent } from 'firebase/analytics'

const analytics =
// Add some delay to wait for gtag loading
setTimeout(() => {
  setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(this._analytics, consent)
    ad_personalization: 'denied',
    ad_storage: 'denied',
    ad_user_data: 'denied',
    analytics_storage: 'granted',
    functionality_storage: 'granted',
    personalization_storage: 'denied',
    security_storage: 'granted',
  })}, 5000)

Using Tag Assitant, I can see the tag events. However, I get this result: image

The granted value is missing and there is strange numbered items.

Doing a some step-by-step debugging, I found the call to gtag. The third parameter which should be the ConsentSettings (see Set up consent mode on websites is set to the second parameter update instead of the third. Debug screenshot

The setConsent method code is here packages/analytics/src/api.ts#L768. It trigger the call to the gtagWrapper function with this line:

wrappedGtagFunction(GtagCommand.CONSENT, 'update', consentSettings);

The wrappedGtagFunction is an instance of the gtagWrapper function found in packages/analytics/src/helpers.ts#L279.

When the method is called before initialization of gtag, the call is made correctly. setContent sends the settings to _setConsentDefaultForInit and the packages/analytics/src/initialize-analytics.t:_initializeAnalyticss#L129 function use these settings correctly.

I see two possible fixes:

I recommend the first option.

Original commits:

google-oss-bot commented 3 weeks ago

I couldn't figure out how to label this issue, so I've labeled it for a human to triage. Hang tight.

jbalidiong commented 2 weeks ago

@megamisan, thanks for reaching out to us. I was able to replicate the behavior you've mentioned. Also, thanks for sending a PR for a possible fix. I'll raise this to our engineering team or bring someone here that can provide more context about it. I’ll update this thread if I have any information to share.

vytautas-vitkus-tg commented 4 days ago

Can confirm the same issue on our site: image

DellaBitta commented 3 days ago

This fix should be in our next release. If you find that there's still an issue, or a new one, then please open a new support issue and feel free to link to this issue for context. Thanks!